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Ashish prajapati
Ashish prajapati

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Top 6 VS Code Extensions Every Web Developer Should Use

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) has become the go-to code editor for web developers due to its simplicity, flexibility, and extensive extension library. For web developers, using the right extensions can significantly enhance productivity, streamline workflows, and help with code quality. In this post, we’ll explore the top 6 VS Code extensions that every web developer should have.

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1. ESLint

Why It’s Important:

Maintaining clean, error-free code is crucial, especially in JavaScript-heavy projects. ESLint is a popular linting tool that helps catch potential problems in your JavaScript or TypeScript code. It not only highlights coding errors but also enforces consistent code style.


  • Error detection: Detects syntax and logic errors.
  • Customizable rules: You can configure it to enforce specific code styles or use a pre-configured style guide (like Airbnb or Google).
  • Auto-fix: Many issues can be automatically fixed with a single command.

How it Helps:

Without ESLint, it’s easy for bugs, inconsistent formatting, and hard-to-read code to creep into your project. ESLint identifies these issues early, leading to more reliable and maintainable code.


Simply search for “ESLint” in the VS Code marketplace and install it. Then, configure it in your project’s .eslintrc.json file.

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2. Prettier - Code Formatter

Why It’s Important:

Prettier is a lifesaver for formatting code consistently. It supports multiple languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, and more. This tool ensures that your codebase looks neat and uniform, making it easier to read and understand.


  • Automatic formatting: It formats your code every time you save the file.
  • Language support: Works with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, JSX, JSON, and more.
  • Customization: Configure options like tab width, semicolon usage, and single vs. double quotes.

How it Helps:

With Prettier, you no longer have to spend time manually aligning your code or worrying about inconsistent formatting. It enforces a style, allowing developers to focus on writing logic instead of styling code.


You can find Prettier in the VS Code marketplace, and it integrates seamlessly with ESLint for linting and formatting simultaneously.

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3. Live Server

Why It’s Important:

Live Server is an incredibly useful extension that launches a local development server with live reload capability. It’s perfect for front-end developers working on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as it updates the browser automatically when you make changes to your files.


  • Auto-refresh: Automatically refreshes the browser whenever you save a file.
  • Local development server: Serves your static or dynamic files without needing to configure a complex web server.
  • Port configuration: You can customize the port if you want to run multiple servers simultaneously.

How it Helps:

It significantly speeds up the development process by eliminating the need to manually refresh the browser. You see changes instantly, which is ideal for working on layouts, styles, or front-end interactions.


Install Live Server from the VS Code marketplace and start it by right-clicking your HTML file and selecting “Open with Live Server.”

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4. JavaScript (ES6) Code Snippets

Why It’s Important:

JavaScript (ES6) Code Snippets provides a collection of useful code snippets for modern JavaScript development. It speeds up coding by providing autocompletion for common patterns and functions, allowing developers to write less boilerplate code.


  • Shortcut-based coding: Type a short snippet (e.g., clg) to automatically expand it into a full console log statement (console.log()).
  • Supports modern JavaScript: Includes snippets for ES6 syntax such as import/export, arrow functions, promises, and more.
  • Customizable: You can add your own snippets if needed.

How it Helps:

Instead of typing common code structures like loops, functions, or logging statements repeatedly, this extension allows you to quickly generate them. It saves time and reduces the chances of making small errors when typing these frequently used patterns.


Find "JavaScript (ES6) Code Snippets" in the marketplace, and start using the snippet shortcuts right away.

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5. HTML CSS Support

Why It’s Important:

When working with HTML, it’s common to reference CSS classes and IDs for styling. The HTML CSS Support extension enhances the IntelliSense feature of VS Code, providing autocompletion for CSS class names and IDs in HTML files.


  • CSS IntelliSense: Suggests class and ID names in your HTML files based on the CSS file(s) linked to the project.
  • Fast look-up: Quickly find and apply the correct classes and IDs, avoiding typos or mismatches.
  • Scans external and internal styles: It works whether your styles are in external CSS files, embedded in <style> tags, or inline in the HTML.

How it Helps:

You no longer need to switch back and forth between your HTML and CSS files to remember class names. This extension increases development speed by making the process of styling much smoother and more efficient.


Install it from the VS Code marketplace and make sure to link your CSS files properly in your HTML to get the full benefit.

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6. Debugger for Chrome

Why It’s Important:

Debugging JavaScript code is one of the most critical tasks during development. The Debugger for Chrome extension allows you to debug your JavaScript code directly from within VS Code, leveraging Chrome’s DevTools.


  • Set breakpoints: You can set breakpoints in your JavaScript files and pause execution to inspect variables and the call stack.
  • Watch expressions: Monitor specific variables or expressions during runtime.
  • Step through code: Execute your code step-by-step, watching how data flows through your application.
  • Console logging: Debug your app with integrated console log support.

How it Helps:

Instead of using console.log() statements everywhere, you can use proper debugging tools. This extension integrates Chrome’s powerful debugging capabilities directly into VS Code, so you don’t need to leave your editor to debug web apps.


Install “Debugger for Chrome” from the VS Code marketplace. Follow the setup instructions to configure your launch.json file for debugging sessions.


Using the right extensions can transform your VS Code experience, making web development faster, more efficient, and less error-prone. Extensions like ESLint, Prettier, and Live Server ensure that your code is clean, consistent, and easy to debug. Meanwhile, JavaScript ES6 Code Snippets, HTML CSS Support, and Debugger for Chrome boost productivity and streamline the development process.

If you're serious about web development, these extensions are a must-have. Try them out in your projects and see how they can enhance your workflow!

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