I couldn't google it, so I wrote my own:
npm registry proxy with on-the-fly filtering
To mitigate security and legal risks.
Open Source is essential for modern software development. According to various estimates, at least 60% of the resulting codebase is composed of open repositories, libraries and packages. And keeps growing. Synopsys OSSRA 2021 report found that 98% of applications have open source components.
But open does not mean free. The price is the risk that you take:
- Availability
- Security
- Legality / license
Let's consider these problems in the context of the JS universe.
Availability risks
JS packages are distributed in various ways: git repos, cdns and package registries. Regardless of the method, there are only two entry types that are finally resolved by any pkg manager: git-commit pointers and tarball links.
"dependencies": {
"yaf" : "git://github.com/antongolub/yarn-audit-fix.git#commit-hash",
"yaf2": "antongolub/yarn-audit-fix",
"yarn-audit-fix" : "*"
version "9.2.1"
resolved "https://codeload.github.com/antongolub/yarn-audit-fix/tar.gz/706646bab3b4c7209596080127d90eab9a966be2"
"@types/find-cache-dir" "^3.2.1"
"@types/fs-extra" "^9.0.13"
"node_modules/yaf": {
"name": "yarn-audit-fix",
"version": "9.2.1",
"resolved": "git+ssh://git@github.com/antongolub/yarn-audit-fix.git#706646bab3b4c7209596080127d90eab9a966be2",
"license": "MIT",
"node_modules/yarn-audit-fix": {
"version": "9.2.1",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/yarn-audit-fix/-/yarn-audit-fix-9.2.1.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-4biFNP4ZLOHboB2cNVuhYyelTFR/twlfmGMQ2TgJgGRORMDM/rQdQqhJdVLuKvfdMLFEPJ832z6Ws5OoCnFcfA==",
"dependencies": {
So the implementation of mirroring is fundamentally quite simple: we just need to save and expose these assets from an alternative ssh/https entry point. Luckily this has already happened. The main repository for JS code is registry.npmjs.org. And at least 5 public replicas are always available as alternatives:
- https://registry.yarnpkg.com
- https://registry.npmmirror.com
- https://r.cnpmjs.org
- https://skimdb.npmjs.com/registry
- https://registry.npm.taobao.org
If this reliability level is not enough, you can easily run one more registry:
Security risks
Any code may not work properly. Due to error or malice. Keep in mind that most OSS licenses exclude any liability for damages. It's also important to always remember that oss code is not verified before being published.
These two circumstances sometimes give rise to dangerous incidents like colors.js or node-ipc.
The independent audit process is expensive, time consuming, so only setting a delay before using new pkg version might be effective countermeasure.
Legal risks
License agreement is an attribute of the moment: it can suddenly change and affect the development process (for example, husky-5). Uncontrolled use of new versions may have legal and financial consequences. Therefore, automated license checks should be part of CI/CD pipeline or the registry's own feature.
Key Features
- Restricts access to remote packages by predicate:
(semver range),license
. - Multi-configuration: define as many
combinations as you need. - Expressjs-inspired server implementation.
- Has no deps. Literally zero.
Node.js >= 14
# npm
npm i npm-registry-firewall
# yarn
yarn add npm-registry-firewall
npm-registry-firewall /path/to/config.json
import {createApp} from 'npm-registry-firewall'
const app = createApp({
server: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 3001,
firewall: {
registry: 'https://registry.npmmirror.com',
rules: [
policy: 'allow',
org: '@qiwi'
policy: 'deny',
name: '@babel/*'
await app.start()
"server": {
"host": "localhost", // Defaults to
"port": 3000, // 8080 by default
"secure": { // Optional. If declared serves via https
"cert": "ssl/cert.pem",
"key": "ssl/key.pem"
"base": "/", // Optional. Defaults to '/'
"healthcheck": "/health", // Optional. Defaults to '/healthcheck'. Pass null to disable
"keepAliveTimeout": 15000, // Optional. Defaults 61000
"headersTimeout": 20000, // Optional. Defaults 62000
"requestTimeout": 10000 // Optional. Defaults 30000
"firewall": {
"registry": "https://registry.npmmirror.com", // Remote registry
"entrypoint": "https://r.qiwi.com/npm", // Optional. Defaults to `${server.secure ? 'https' : 'http'}://${server.host}:${server.port}${route.base}`
"base": "/", // Optional. Defaults to '/'
"rules": [
"policy": "allow",
"org": "@qiwi"
"policy": "allow",
"name": ["@babel/*", "@jest/*", "lodash"] // string[] or "comma,separated,list". * works as .+ in regexp
"policy": "deny",
"name": "colors",
"version": ">= v1.4.0" // Any semver range: https://github.com/npm/node-semver#ranges
"policy": "deny",
"license": "dbad" // Comma-separated license types or string[]
"policy": "allow",
"username": ["sindresorhus", "isaacs"] // Trusted npm authors.
"policy": "allow",
"name": "d",
// `allow` is upper, so it protects `< 1.0.0`-ranged versions that might be omitted on next steps
"version": "< 1.0.0"
"policy": "deny",
// Checks pkg version publish date against the range
"dateRange": ["2010-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "2025-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"]
"policy": "allow",
"age": 5 // Check the package version is older than 5 days. Like quarantine
// Array at the top level
// Two servers (for example, http and https) share the same preset
"server": [
{"port": 3001},
{"port": 3002},
"firewall": {
"registry": "https://registry.yarnpkg.com",
"rules": {"policy": "deny", "org": "@qiwi"}
// One server has a pair of separately configured endpoints
"server": {"port": 3003},
"firewall": [
{"base": "/foo", "registry": "https://registry.npmjs.org", "rules": {"policy": "deny", "org": "@qiwi"}},
{"base": "/bar", "registry": "https://registry.yarnpkg.com", "rules": {"policy": "deny", "org": "@babel"}}
npm view
npm-registry-firewall % npm view d versions
[ '0.1.0', '0.1.1' ]
$ node src/main/js/cli.js config.json
{"level":"INFO","timestamp":"2022-04-11T20:56:47.031Z","message":"npm-registry-firewall is ready for connections: https://localhost:3000"}
{"level":"INFO","timestamp":"2022-04-11T20:56:49.568Z","traceId":"44f21c050d8c6","clientIp":"","message":"GET /d"}
{"level":"INFO","timestamp":"2022-04-11T20:56:50.015Z","traceId":"44f21c050d8c6","clientIp":"","message":"HTTP 200 446ms"}
Feel free to open any issues: bug reports, feature requests or questions.
You're always welcome to suggest a PR. Just fork this repo, write some code, put some tests and push your changes.
Any feedback is appreciated.
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