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Anton Holmberg
Anton Holmberg

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The BaseClass Anti-Pattern

As a consultant I get to see a lot of code bases and on Android, by far, the most common anti-pattern that I find is what I call the BaseClass anti-pattern.

In this article I will explain what it is, why it is bad and why it is so seductive.

What is it?

So what is the BaseClass anti-pattern and how do I detect it?

  1. Start out by opening the android project.
  2. Locate an activity or a fragment class.
  3. Does it extend something called BaseActivity or BaseFragment?

If the answer to #3 is yes then you my friend has fallen victim to the BaseClass anti-pattern. If you open the BaseActivity or the BaseFragment class and that class contains more than 50 lines of code then you're probably in deep trouble.

So why is this bad?

I will answer why it is bad by asking a question. What is the responsibility of the BaseActivity? Except for being an Activity what does the class name tell you?
NOTHING right...

So the naming is bad, lets give it a better name! Well if you open the class
chances are that you will find something like this:

class BaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
  Analytics analytics;

  public void onCreate() {

  public void onStart() {

Now try to come up with a name for this class, what is it responsible for?
ActivityWithInjectionAndAnalytics is not a very nice name and the "And" part indicates that the class has more than one responsibility and therefore is in violation of the single responsibility principle. So people resort to calling it things like BaseActivity and this creates a very non-explicit abstraction. Extending BaseActivity tells you nothing about what code you are bringing to your newly created activity.

So now you might think to your self that "This doesn't look too bad" and i would admit that no, two methods are not the end of the world. However this is usually not where the story ends. I have found the size of such a BaseClass usually has a linear correlation with time. It starts to accumulate things like creating a ViewModel / Presenter, adding utility functions that depend on a Context and sometimes even implementing business logic.

As time goes on people start to extend BaseActivity almost as a ritual rather than out of a need for some functionality that BaseActivity provides. Maybe you only care about one of the 150 methods overridden in the BaseActivity. Once you get to that point you have effectively created a static dependency on code that you don't have to depend on. You run code that doesn't have to run. Maybe the fact that the extra code gets executed doesn't hurt you (right now) but it will still execute and I absolutely promise you that one day, someone (maybe you) will modify some of the code in the BaseActivity to fit the need of a completely unrelated class and the class that you wrote in the first place will have a RuntimeException. You or your colleague will be blamed,
fired and die alone.

So why use a BaseClass?

I can only guess why other people do it but as someone who has created plenty of BaseClasses in the past I can say that, for me, it was mostly due to two things.

  • It was the easiest way of writing DRY (Do not repeat yourself) code.
  • Android specific classes aren't that suited for the decorator pattern.

I probably had some piece of code, like injecting dependencies, that I thought: "Hey I inject all of my activities in onCreate! That is duplicated code... lets get rid of that!". So I created my initial BaseActivity to handle the injection and started hacking away. Later on I would find some other piece of code that I would run in a lot of the activities, for instance converting from dp to px. To do this I required access to a Context. Since I learned in school that OOP is all about dat inheritance I just added a method to the BaseClass that did this conversion. Of course what I should have done was creating a static method in a utility class:

public final class Units {
  public static int dpToPx(Context context, float dp) {
    Resources resources = context.getResources();
    return (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(

Now any class that needs this can call it. There is simply no need to inherit any BaseClass so the caller of the method can sleep safe knowing that nothing strange runs in onStart, onCreate or any of the other callback methods that belong to the Activity.

If you can't get by with using a static helper method then create a class that handles your use case and instantiate it in the Activity. Better yet, inject it with your dependency injector of choice!

But what if we need to run something that depends on the callback methods, like subscribing to some observable data and then unsubscribing later on? Well in this case i would still prefer to be explicit over implementing it the implicit way with a BaseClass. Luckily we have even better options today with LifecycleObserver.



  • It creates implicit, but very strong, coupling between your code and code that you probably, mostly, don't even care about.
  • It makes it very hard to get a full picture of what an class does.
  • It will grow and become a hot mess.
  • There is probably a lot of code in the BaseClass that would be really easy to unit test if it was in it's own class, but the fact that it is in the BaseClass makes you unwilling or unable to test it.

This is very much a rant and an opinion piece and I would love to hear your opinion on the matter!

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