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Discussion on: Beginning your Web Development Journey? Start here.

antonmelnyk profile image
Anton Melnyk • Edited

JavaScript and React will take much more time then 100 hours. 1000 is more realistic number 😉

20 hours for CSS? It's 3-4 days, you probably won't even make your first layout and web page for that time.

As well as 10 hours for week is nothing. Not to discredit your article, but I would rather warn starters that learning programming and web development is a hard and long process. Make sure you like it and really want to invest in it, otherwise you will end up tired, overwhelmed and lost.

mwood23 profile image
Marcus Wood • Edited

Yeah for sure, I've been doing React for 3 years and still learn new things about it. I also agree 10 hours isn't a lot and some days when I was a beginner I'd code for 10 hours in a single day. However, the theme of the article is for beginners to allot 10 hours to solely focus on code in the editor with no phone or distractions. In the article I say that doesn't include tutorials, podcasts or anything else too. When I started, I used Treehouse and watched hours and hours of tutorials, but didn't get hands on the keyboards very much when that's what I needed most.

The goal of the article is to give folks a framework on what to run through when they begin. By the end of it they'll want to know if it's something they want to continue to pursue coding or not, but they probably will because coding is awesome 😄.