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[Comment from a deleted post]
anwar_nairi profile image

Depending the project, would you go for a SPA (front end framework + stateless API) or a MPA? Which one scales the best for 1 000 vs 1 000 000 users?

mvoloskov profile image
Miloslav 🏳️‍🌈 🦋 Voloskov

It absolutely doesn't matter. All that matters is how fast your servers are.

If I'm building a content website, something conceptually similar to a newspaper, I'd go with server-side templating.

If I'm building an app, conceptually similar to a distinct device, I'd go with a SPA.

rahulchowdhury profile image
Rahul Chowdhury 🕶

Any particular reason for not going SPA when building a content website?

mvoloskov profile image
Miloslav 🏳️‍🌈 🦋 Voloskov

Forget that the web exists.

Are you building a newspaper? Go for a website.

Are you building a separate device? Go for a SPA.

SPA is almost always more complex, just think about SSR, proper Open Graph, client-side routing. Why? Just why do you need this to create a digital newspaper? Just because that's how cool guys do it these days?

Think again.

rahulchowdhury profile image
Rahul Chowdhury 🕶

Noted. :-)