DEV Community

Discussion on: Study and code, etc.

anzelika profile image

Glad to see you getting your hands dirty again! Resources are overwhelming indeed. I don't believe in opening up documentation and reading it like a book. Without context or actually opening up your code editor to replicate and test it out physically, it goes out of the window fast and just clutters the mind. So I guess you can say I also believe in the "learn-as-you-go" approach.

Javascript data algorithms are an exception here though. If there is a section just to memorise, it's how to filter through arrays, find items with particular IDs, get comfortable looping through nested objects. That is my bread and butter right now!

grneyedgrl01 profile image
Heather Hill-Leider

Thanks so much! I also believe in the "learn as you go" approach and I think it's kind of what I'm doing. I definitely learn better when I'm getting my hands dirty so to speak.