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Discussion on: Sapper(svelte) + CodyFrame Ui

arjarn profile image

Great article.
I'm working with Svelte / Routify, can I apply with it ?

zakariachahboun profile image
zakaria chahboun • Edited

Yes you can do this with Svelte too, But in "rollup.config.js" of Svelte, there is no server or client section like Sapper,

You have to install just two dependencies: npm install -D svelte-preprocess rollup-plugin-postcss

You have to import these lines:

// sass to css
import postcss from 'rollup-plugin-postcss'
import autoPreprocess from 'svelte-preprocess';

And in svelte({...}) add these lines:

preprocess: autoPreprocess(),
emitCss: true

Also add these lines after svelte({..}):

    extract: true,
    minimize: true,
    use: [
        ['sass', {
            includePaths: [

And that's all!