If a function requires 4 arguments, then we need to pass in 4 arguments, even if the middle argument is not needed in some cases. So can you pass in a few parameters if you need a few parameters? Yes, you will know after reading this article.
// π Ordinary way of passing parameters
printTodo('Learn Swift', undefined, undefined, ['learning']);
// π Pass in only the parameters needed
printTodo({title: 'Learn Swift', tags: ['learning']});
Ordinary way
function printTodo(
title = 'Untitled',
content = '',
isDone = false,
tags: string[] = [],
) {
console.log(`Title: ${title}`);
console.log(`Content: ${content}`);
console.log(`Tags: ${tags.map(tag => `#${tag} `).join()} \n`);
printTodo('Learn Swift', undefined, undefined, ['learning']);
Pass in only the parameters needed
interface Todo {
title?: string;
content?: string;
isDone?: boolean;
tags?: string[];
function printTodo({
title = 'Untitled',
content = '',
isDone = false,
tags = [],
}: Todo = {}) {
console.log(`Title: ${title}`);
console.log(`Content: ${content}`);
console.log(`Tags: ${tags.map(tag => `#${tag} `).join()} \n`);
printTodo({title: 'Learn Swift', tags: ['learning']});
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