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Arno Solo
Arno Solo

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How to create a div with a curved bottom

When we need a rounded edge we can use border-radius. But what if we need create a div with a curved bottom?

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CSS clip-path

If we read CSS clip path api doc. We will find that we can crop a div into any shape we want with path

clip-path: circle(40%);
clip-path: path('M 0 200 L 0,75 A 5,5 0,0,1 150,75 L 200 200 z');

Understand svg path

If you copy this path into this svg-path-editor we can visualize the shape of it.

m 0 0 v 305.867 c 114 30 229 30 343 0 V 0 Z

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The only problem is what are all those number means. You can drag the control points a little. Then you will find they are nothing but the coordinates of 2d points.

Write a basic example

If you have realized that those numbers in the path is just coordinates, then we can start write our example

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:style="{ 'clip-path': path('m 0 0 v 100 c 70 30 140 30 210 0 V 0 Z')}"
<p :style="{'padding': '12px'}">hi</p>

<style scoped>
.demo {
background-color: orange;
height: 150px;
width: 210px;

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The Code of first example


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