DEV Community

Discussion on: I'm 23 years old, is it too late to start learning programming?

arupam profile image
Arupam kumar saha

It's Never too late to start . I know a guy who started in his 40s . All you need is passion . Start as early as possible devote yourself to a particular language basics and then start doing projects. There are some full time coding schools and bootcamps I heard they are great If you can dedicate about 6 months or something full-time . Some of them even have pay after landing job . These programs seem promising . There are also YouTube tutorials and sites like Coursera, Edx , Udemy which provides you with certificates . Age certificates and Degrees doesn't matter today . Skills and strong project portfolio do . Learning doesn't require age . Same goes for jobs as long as you are able to do something great your age never matter.

I hope this helps.

jac_menz profile image
Jacob Mendez

it's really helpful, thank you so much