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Aryan Anand
Aryan Anand

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3 Important Factors To Simplify Your Content Marketing

Content Marketing is one of the most important exercises. In fact you need to produce something that will generate traffic and conversion. Of course, you have to write about a topic that interests you. Otherwise, the lack of enthusiasm will come out loud and clear. However, you also need to make sure that the topic is relevant to your ideal audience.

1.Buyer Person

However, many questions about cookie cutter personality are boring and unhelpful. If you are not inspired by the regular models asking you to fill in age, race, income, and marital status, try this, tell a story about the character to describe your situation in relation to how your product or the service is relevant if you have different offers, tell a story for each one.

2.Customer journey

Your customers or clients will go through a "life cycle" with stages ranging from the first meeting with you to the decision to buy from you. Together, they form the customer journey. To make it more organic, look at it from a storytelling point of view - explore the journey of your ideal client's hero and how you can transform it every step of the way.

3.Content mapping

Once you've clarified your buyer persona and customer journey, you can create a grid and fill in the blanks. You map the different stages each person goes through and have the structure to generate content ideas that address a particular stage for a specific person.

It may take a bit of public research or a little digging into your existing data. Don't stop at perfection, you have to start somewhere and when you start implementing you can always come back to refine your strategy. The content delivery channel can, in turn, inform how it delivers the content.

Through this blog we have discussed 3 important factors to simplify your content marketing, for more information regarding Content Marketing and other Digital Marketing Services You can Visit Propel Guru a Digital Marketing Company.

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