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What next after a programming workshop?

Let's say you applied for a programming workshop which usually lasts for few days and got selected. Kindly note that programming workshops are usually an introductory course, basically you'll be exposed to few portion of a particular programming language or framework. Now the big question is 'after that what again?' This is what I have to say...

  1. Keep in touch with your facilitator/mentor/coach: These are the experts who impact or introduce you to the programming language during the workshop. Most people ignore the facilitator/mentor/coach after the workshop. It's very important to keep in touch with them in order to address common problems you face during and after the workshop.

  2. Practice practice practice: One of the best ways to achieve greatness in programming is continuous practice. Practicing exposes you to more problems which can be forwarded to your facilitator/mentor/coach for solution and guidance, by doing this you stand the chance to grow your skills.

  3. Hang out with other coders (Meet-ups): Hanging out with other people who code is a great way to write clean codes. Its also a great way to enhance your skills.

  4. Finally, Volunteer: Life is too short, give back what you've learnt to the society. Engage in volunteering activities to enhance your skills.

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