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Adam Schonely
Adam Schonely

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The Return to JavaScript

I have been attending Flatiron School for Software Development and having been enjoying working through the curriculum. I came into the program with a small amount of coding knowledge and I have been learning a lot to help with growth along the way. I started in July of 2019 and ran into a little trouble with the Javascript Module. I am currently redoing this module again and I feel like I have a little better of a grasp then I did before. Let me give you a little more back story before I dive into my return to JS.

I started coding about 2 years ago and have been doing it off and on since. I started working on free sites to learn the basics and to start getting a feel for it. I enjoyed learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript. JavaScript was a language that would make me rethink my coding journey and actually cause me to take a hiatus from it. I fell out of love for coding and really didn't know if I would ever feel like I could actually enjoy it again. Fast forward to now and making the commitment to go to school to learn it as a career. It has been a long tough journey so far but I have enjoyed the ride so far.

Now that we have an idea of how I got to this point I can continue with this post. I decided to redo the JavaScript Module because I didn't have a good enough handle on what I learned and I did lousy on my assessments I had. I am horrible at live coding and having to think on my feet. I know this is a skill that I am gonna need to develop to be good at coding and working in this industry. I still have a lot to learn and sometimes I think is it really worth the aggravation that I am enduring to do this. I know that there is light at the end of the tunnel and I am almost there so I will continue to persevere through the road ahead of me.

I made it through the module again and I feel a little more confident then I did before. JavaScript is one of those languages that I have a love hate relationship with and most of the time it is hatred. I know I need to push aside those feelings, dig in and learn to love this language because it isn't going anywhere. As a good programmer you need to learn languages and get comfortable with them since you will be working with them day in and day out. This is a language that is amazing once you can grasp how to use it to build the things you want it do for you. I know I will never truely understand this language but I will try my best to.

I decided to do a new project this time through so I could get a better understanding of how to do things. I feel a little better about this one, could I do better of course I could but my main focus was learning how to write code that did what I wanted it to. I wasn't going with fancy, and I wasn't trying to make the next best thing. My goal was to make the most viable product that I could in the two weeks I was working on it. I focused my attention fully on the JavaScript and writing that the best I could. I can always circle back and spruce it up to make them more portfolio friendly later. I just really needed to know that I was capable of building something that I would be happy with at the end of the day and did what it was suppose to.

So as I am writing this blog, I am thinking about my journey so far and the road that is still ahead of me knowing that I still have some work to put in before this chapter is over. I am sure that I am gonna keep having to deal with getting in my own way while I continue to work on learning through the next month or so. But I know I will come out of all this better then when I started this journey. We are all capable of being amazing and doing amazing things in our lives but it all leaves two questions left to ask.

What am I gonna do to better myself and what am I gonna do to make sure I get there?

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