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Mohammad Bagher Abiyat
Mohammad Bagher Abiyat

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Let's build 2 hooks to manage Next.js Queries

Sometimes we have complete APIs, but maybe at the same time, they're not, but I am happy with that. We can’t expect everything we need to be in one specific tool.

In React or Next, the same thing applies. They can’t implement all of the hooks we need, but they can permit us to, and they do. The permit that I'm talking about is something like IOC.

The problem 🤔

The problem was I wanted the same state in my component to be in the query, that's possible and easy to think, but not that easy to write in every component.

Let's bring some solutions that I don't like.

const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

const { pathname, push, asPath } = useRouter();

const [query, setQuery] = useState({});

useEffect(() => {
  push(pathname, { query: { count: count } }, { shallow: true });
}, [count]);

useEffect(() => {
}, [asPath]);
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I've no problem with this code but imagine when we have a ton of components that we need to manage the query in them, it would be awful.

We'll use the router hook in every component, two useEffects (we can put them in one), we need to parse the path and push the changes to the query, It's hard for me to do such a thing.

The solution 😍

I think sometimes we can write a little bit more code that could make our lives easier, that's what we're going to do. We'll use more functions and hooks for our new hooks.
I wanted to implement a simple pattern like useQuery or useEffect, see this:

const {
} = useNextQuery(() => ({}));
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In the first hook we make, we can see the queries state, add new queries, and delete one. WOOOOW.

useNextQueryEffect(() => {
  return { count: count };
}, [count]);
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And the second hook is based on the first one, and it's similar to useEffect, it takes some dependencies and when they change, it sets the returned object as the new query object. if the last argument is true, it will clear the previous query.

Let's build

First we need to access the routing system in Next.js, so we shall use useRouter hook.

const useNextQuery = (initialQuery = {}, shallow = true) => {
  const { asPath, push, pathname } = useRouter();
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If you don't know about asPath, push, and pathname, Here's Next.js docs explanation:

  • asPath: Actual path (including the query) shown in the browser.
  • pathname: Current route. That is the path of the page in /pages
  • push: Handles client-side transitions, this method is useful for cases where next/link is not enough.

In this hook, we take the first argument from the user as an Initial State( or Initial Query), and the second one is for shallow transition, I'll talk about it.

Initial state

When the component mounts, we need to access the queries in the url and return them as the first queries.

const [state, setState] = useState(() => {
  const { query: initialRouteQuery } = queryString.parseUrl(asPath);
  return { ...initialQuery, ...initialRouteQuery };
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In useState we pass a callback, It's called lazy initialization, and it's a perfect thing for performance.
Query-string package is so useful, we use it to parse the asPath string, But if you don't like to use foreign libraries, you can implement your algorithm. If we pass our initial query to the hook, it will be mixed with the url-based initial query, then we set the query in the url. So:

  • Take the initial query parameter as initialQuery
  • convert the asPath to an object called initialRouteQuery
  • Mix them and set them or push them( in the next steps)


The query shall be up-to-date and when the state changes the query must change too. We can use useEffect to watch the state changes.

useEffect(() => {
      query: state
    { shallow: shallow }
}, [state]);
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So whenever the query state changes, we push the changes to the route. We don't want the route changes, so we keep the same pathname.
The shallow option gives us the ability to manage server-side rerunning and we take it from the second parameter in useNextQuery.


The state needs to be up-to-date with the query too, and this can be done with listening to asPath( I'm not sure about this solution's performance, if you have better one, comment me😅).

useEffect(() => {
  const { query } = queryString.parseUrl(asPath);
  setState({ ...state, ...query });
}, [asPath]);
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Here when the state changes, the upper useEffect will run again and keep the state and the query up-to-date.


It's a simple step, we just create three functions that modify the state and then the query will change.

const addQueries = (newQueries) =>
  setState((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, ...newQueries }));

const deleteQuery = (oldQuery) =>
  setState((prevState) => {
    const { [oldQuery]: deletedQuery, } = prevState;
    return rest;

const clearQueries = () => setState({});

return {
  queries: state,
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Haha, we finished the first hook, there is another small one and then 💣💥.


I really like this one, everytime I look at it, i feel how much my life is easier now( little exaggeration😅). We give it the dependencies and whenever they change, this hook will push the query based on the returned value from our callback.


This hook needs one callback for running after every state changing, dependencies to watch, and clear option if we needed to clear the unnecessary queries.

Let's start

const useNextQueryEffect = (cb, deps, clear) => {
  const { queries, addQueries, clearQueries } = useNextQuery({}, true);
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Absolutely we won't rewrite everything, we'll use our previous hook and its methods to manage the query.

The first goal we wanted to achieve by this hook is listening to the dependencies, so we're going to use useEffect again.

useEffect(() => {
}, deps);
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The callback should be in the useEffect because we need to call its returned value every time the state changes, I said the returned value and not the callback itself, so we're gonna pass its returned value to the addQueries.

useEffect(() => {
}, deps);
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Now I think we have a good hook, but I feel there is something that I missed, Yesss, like setState's previous state, I need the previous query.

For the third parameter( clear option), I just need the clearQueries method from our previous hook.

useEffect(() => {
  const prevQueries = queries;
  if (clear) {
 }, deps);
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I put the previousQueries before the clear condition, as you know we can't put it after, because sometimes the clear option will clear the queries and the prevQueries will be an empty object.
And Yesss, that's it.


I always struggled with such problems, and I made a package from one of them once, So If you wanted to make a npm package from this idea, no problem, I'll be the first one to use it.

So let's party, Hooora🎉🥳, we've made our lives easier now. I've gotten a good example for you, feel free to fork it. If you wanted to see how the query works with the url, press the open Sandbox.

I hope you enjoyed this small article, comment your suggestions and opinions.
And check out my main website:

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