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Discussion on: Tips for Writing a Great Resume

aurelio profile image

Get used to rejections and don’t take it personally.

Rejection is part of the process.
If you're not getting rejections you're aiming too low.

They should and will sting, but they should never kill you.
The most important thing is to always derive a learning from each and every rejection. You will want to learn from your mistakes, but also learn from other people mistakes... It's not always your fault, so be balanced and honest.

Know when it's your mistake and know when it's the interviewers' mistake.

And finally, accept that companies have to make a decision and sometimes have more than one good candidate for an opening. Maybe you went well and didn't get selected for a tiny reason that might be out of your control. Take it and move on, you will succeed eventually.

jcsmileyjr profile image
JC Smiley

Love this. It took me so LONG to figure that out. It hurts, but you are right that rejection is part of the process. What don't kill you will make you stronger.