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Discussion on: Supplying Placeholder Data by Catching Promises

avalander profile image
Avalander • Edited

Nice article, thanks for sharing!

Have you considered, however, how to handle programming errors (or any error not related to the data you are loading)? In your loadVote method, for example, if you misspell JSON.parse to JSON.pasre, the catch will swallow the error and start sending default data to everybody.

annarankin profile image
Anna Rankin

For sure! I personally really like Typescript for minimizing those kinds of errors - this code was actually originally written with type annotations, but I removed them for the article because I thought they might be confusing.

But yes, you do make a good point - for something like a misspelling, hopefully I've written unit tests to catch that! In production code, I'd have some kind of error monitoring library like Honeybadger or Bugsnag to let me know when an error occurs or reaches a certain threshold. This code definitely still has the potential to run into errors, but that way I'll at least be alerted.

avalander profile image
Avalander • Edited

Yeah, I'm a bit weary of Promises because they catch all and any errors that might happen in the rejection branch and it's hard to discriminate whether it's an error that should or shouldn't happen. That's why I switched to using Futures a while ago. You still could map the rejection branch to a default value like you suggest, but it won't mask errors that it shouldn't handle.

I was curious to see what kind of difficulties you had encountered with that, hence my question :)

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annarankin profile image
Anna Rankin

Oh, my co-worker is super into futures - he keeps pressing me to try them out. They look really interesting! Yeah, that part of Promises gets annoying; we've been having some discussions about when/what/where to catch and what to do then.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

That makes sense