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#3 TCS Live Interview Converstion

Certainly! Let’s structure the conversation for better clarity:

Interviewer: Have you shared the code for review?

Candidate: Yes, I have. The code involves the usage of the spread operator. The spread operator does not create a new reference, so both variables share the same memory location. Consequently, when the value is changed to “nodejs,” both variables will reflect this change. Hence, the output will be “nodejs.”

Interviewer: Great. Now, in terms of components, do you prefer functional or class-based components?

Candidate: I have experience with both functional and class-based components, but I find myself using functional components more frequently.

Interviewer: Have you worked on any e-commerce projects?

Candidate: Yes, I have experience working on e-commerce projects.

Interviewer: Moving on to ES6 features, what are some of the features you’re familiar with?

Candidate: I’m familiar with several ES6 features, including destructuring, spread operators, promises, callbacks, arrow functions, restructuring, slice, splice, let, and const. These are some of the key features I can recall.

Interviewer: Can you explain the differences between let, var, and const?

Candidate: Certainly. Let has a block scope, cannot be redeclared, and can be reinitialized. Const also has block scope, cannot be redeclared, but cannot be reinitialized. Var has function scope, can be redeclared, and can be reinitialized.

Interviewer: What is the purpose of spread operators?

Candidate: The spread operator is used to combine elements from two arrays or objects. It allows for easy merging of elements, providing a concise and readable way to manipulate arrays or objects.

Feel free to continue or ask about other aspects of the candidate’s knowledge and experience.

Interviewer: Excellent explanation of shallow copy and deep copy! Now, let’s move on to closures. Can you elaborate on what closures are and how they work in JavaScript?

Candidate: Certainly. Closures in JavaScript occur when an inner function has access to the variables of its outer function. In other words, the inner function “closes over” the variables of the outer function, retaining access even after the outer function has finished executing. This allows for the preservation of state within the inner function.

Interviewer: That’s a clear explanation. Moving on, can you explain the concept of “hoisting” in JavaScript?

Candidate: Certainly. Hoisting in JavaScript allows variables to be used before declaration. During compilation, declarations (both variable and function) are moved to the top of their scope. This means that even if you use a variable or function before declaring it in the code, JavaScript will still recognize and execute it properly.

Interviewer: Well explained! Let’s shift gears a bit. Have you worked with any array methods in JavaScript?

Candidate: Yes, I’m familiar with various array methods, such as map, reduce, filter, slice, and splice, among others.

Interviewer: Great! Now, let’s talk about JavaScript frameworks. Have you worked with any specific frameworks, such as React or Angular?

Candidate: Yes, I have experience with React.

Feel free to continue exploring the candidate’s knowledge on specific topics or ask about their hands-on experience with frameworks.

Interviewer: Your knowledge of ES6 features is impressive. Now, let’s dive into the differences between let, var, and const. Can you elaborate on the distinctions you mentioned earlier?

Candidate: Certainly. let and const have block scope, meaning they are limited to the block in which they are defined. However, let can be redeclared and reassigned, while const cannot be reassigned after initialization. On the other hand, var has function scope, can be redeclared, and can be reassigned. It’s worth noting that let and const were introduced in ES6 to address some of the limitations of var.

Interviewer: Well explained. Now, let’s discuss spread operators. Can you provide more insights into their usage and significance?

Candidate: Certainly. The spread operator () is used for combining elements from two arrays or objects. In the context of arrays, it can be used to create a new array by including all elements from existing arrays. This makes operations like concatenation or merging arrays more concise and readable. Similarly, for objects, it can be used to create a shallow copy or merge objects.

Interviewer: Good explanation. Moving on, let’s talk about your experience with array methods. You mentioned map, reduce, filter, slice, and splice. Can you give a brief overview of how each of these array methods is commonly used?

Candidate: Certainly. map is used to create a new array by applying a function to each element of the original array. reduce is used for aggregating the elements of an array into a single value. filter creates a new array with elements that pass a certain condition. slice is used to extract a portion of an array, and splice is used for adding or removing elements at a specified index.

Feel free to continue the conversation or explore other areas based on the candidate’s expertise and the interview context.

Interviewer: You provided a clear explanation of closures. Now, let’s shift to the concept of hoisting in JavaScript. Can you elaborate on what hoisting is and how it works?

Candidate: Certainly. Hoisting in JavaScript refers to the behavior where declarations (both variable and function) are moved to the top of their scope during the compilation phase. This means that you can use variables or functions before declaring them in your code. Hoisting is applicable to both function and variable declarations.

Interviewer: Well summarized. Now, you mentioned using various array methods. Can you explain how the map method works? Additionally, can you demonstrate how you would implement a map method using reduce?

Candidate: The map method is used to create a new array by applying a provided function to each element of the original array. As for implementing a map method using reduce, here’s a basic example:

function customMap(arr, callback) {

return arr.reduce((result, element) => {


return result;

}, []);


// Example usage:

const originalArray = [1, 2, 3, 4];

const doubledArray = customMap(originalArray, (value) => value * 2);

console.log(doubledArray); // Output: [2, 4, 6, 8]

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This customMap function uses reduce to apply the provided callback to each element of the array and build a new array.

Interviewer: Nicely done. Moving forward, have you worked with any JavaScript frameworks or libraries? You mentioned earlier that you have experience with React. Could you share more about your experience with React?

Candidate: Yes, I have experience with React. I’ve worked on projects involving component-based architecture, state management, and handling asynchronous operations with React. Additionally, I’ve used React Router for navigation and integrated state management libraries like Redux for more complex applications.

Feel free to continue the conversation or ask about specific projects or experiences related to React or any other topic of interest.

Interviewer: Excellent! Now, let’s talk about JavaScript’s event loop. Can you elaborate on what an event loop is and how it functions in JavaScript?

Candidate: Certainly. The event loop in JavaScript is a mechanism that ensures non-blocking, asynchronous operations. It continuously checks the execution stack for tasks. If the stack is empty, it looks into the task queue for pending tasks. If there are asynchronous tasks, it processes them one by one, preventing the blocking of the main thread. This helps in managing asynchronous operations and maintaining the responsiveness of web applications.

Interviewer: Well explained! Moving on to React, can you explain the lifecycle methods in React, specifically in class components?

Candidate: Certainly. In React class components, the lifecycle methods include methods for mounting, updating, and unmounting. For mounting, we use componentDidMount. This method is called after the component has been rendered to the DOM. For updating, we have componentDidUpdate, which is invoked after a component’s state or props change and a re-render occurs. Lastly, for unmounting, we use componentWillUnmount, which is called just before a component is removed from the DOM.

Interviewer: Good overview! With the introduction of functional components in React, how do you handle lifecycle methods?

Candidate: With functional components, we use the useEffect hook to handle lifecycle methods. The useEffect hook can mimic the behavior of componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount. It takes a function as its first parameter, which will be executed after the component has been rendered. Additionally, we can provide a dependency array to control when the effect should run.

Interviewer: Great transition to hooks! Now, let’s dive into a different topic. Have you worked with any state management libraries in React, such as Redux?

Candidate: Yes, I have experience with Redux. It’s a predictable state container that helps manage the state of an application in a more centralized and organized way. Actions, reducers, and the store play key roles in implementing Redux, facilitating a unidirectional data flow.

Feel free to continue the discussion on React, state management, or any other topic of interest.

Interviewer: Your explanation of lifecycle methods in both class and functional components is thorough. Now, let’s delve into handling component updates in functional components. Can you provide a more detailed example of how you would use the useEffect hook for component updates?

Candidate: Certainly. When it comes to handling component updates in functional components, the useEffect hook is crucial. Here’s an example:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from react;

function ExampleComponent() {

const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

useEffect(() => {

// This code will run after every render

console.log(`Component updated. Count is now ${count}`);

// You can perform side effects or cleanup here

// If you want to mimic componentWillUnmount, you can return a cleanup function

return () => {

console.log(Component will unmount);

// Clean up resources or perform actions before unmounting


}, [count]); // The dependency array ensures this effect runs only when ‘count’ changes

return (


<p>Count: {count}</p>

<button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>Increment</button>




export default ExampleComponent;

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In this example, the useEffect hook is used to log a message after each render. The cleanup function inside the useEffect runs when the component is about to unmount, simulating the behavior of componentWillUnmount.

Interviewer: Clear and comprehensive! Now, let’s talk about state management. Have you used any state management libraries other than Redux, perhaps context API or Recoil?

Candidate: While I have primarily used Redux for state management, I am familiar with the context API as well. Context API provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level. It’s particularly useful for smaller applications or when a full-scale state management library might be overkill.

Interviewer: Good insights! Now, let’s switch gears a bit. Have you worked with Progressive Web Applications (PWAs), and if so, can you share your experience?

Candidate: Yes, I have worked with Progressive Web Applications. PWAs leverage modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like experience to users. They can be installed on devices, work offline, and provide a seamless user experience. Implementing features like service workers for caching and offline functionality is crucial in PWA development.

Feel free to continue discussing PWAs, state management, or any other topic you’d like to explore.

Interviewer: Your explanation of the Context API and its purpose in avoiding prop drilling is clear. Now, let’s dive deeper into state management. You’ve mentioned using Redux. Can you provide a more detailed explanation of what Redux is and how it works?

Candidate: Certainly. Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript applications. It serves as a centralized store for the state of your application, making it easy to manage and update. The core concepts of Redux include:

  1. Actions: These are plain JavaScript objects that represent an intention to change the state. They must have a type property indicating the type of action.

  2. Reducers: Reducers are pure functions responsible for specifying how the application’s state changes in response to an action. They take the current state and an action as arguments and return a new state.

  3. Store: The store holds the complete state of the application. It allows access to the state via getState(), dispatches actions using dispatch(action), and registers listeners with subscribe(listener).

Redux follows a unidirectional data flow. When an action is dispatched, it goes through the reducers, and the store is updated accordingly. This ensures a predictable and traceable flow of data in the application.

Interviewer: Great breakdown of Redux! Have you worked with any middleware in Redux, and if so, could you explain the role of middleware in the Redux workflow?

Candidate: Yes, I’ve used middleware in Redux. Middleware provides a way to interact with actions that are dispatched to the store before they reach the reducers. It sits between the dispatching of an action and the moment it reaches the reducer. Middleware can be used for various purposes, such as logging, handling asynchronous operations, or intercepting actions.

Two popular middleware libraries are Redux Thunk for handling asynchronous actions and Redux Saga for more complex asynchronous flows using generators. Middleware enhances the functionality of Redux, adding capabilities beyond the basic action-reducer flow.

Interviewer: Well articulated! Let’s touch on one more topic. Have you had any experience working with Progressive Web Applications (PWAs)?

Candidate: Yes, I have experience with Progressive Web Applications. PWAs leverage modern web technologies to provide a native app-like experience to users. They can work offline, offer push notifications, and provide an engaging user experience. Implementing service workers for caching and offline functionality is a key aspect of PWA development.

Feel free to explore more about PWAs, Redux, or any other area you’d like to discuss.

Interviewer: Your explanation of middleware in Redux and its role in enhancing functionality is clear. Now, let’s explore the differences between Redux Thunk and Redux Saga. Could you provide a brief overview of these two middleware libraries and highlight their differences?

Candidate: Certainly. Both Redux Thunk and Redux Saga are middleware libraries used with Redux to handle asynchronous operations, but they differ in their approach.

  1. Redux Thunk:
  • Approach: It is simpler and easier to integrate into existing Redux applications.

  • Core Concept: Thunks are functions that can be dispatched, allowing for delayed execution of actions.

  • Usage: It is suitable for scenarios where asynchronous actions are straightforward, such as making API calls.

  1. Redux Saga:
  • Approach: It introduces a more complex, generator-based approach to handling asynchronous actions.

  • Core Concept: Sagas are long-lived functions that can listen for actions and perform side effects. They are written using generator functions.

  • Usage: It is beneficial in complex scenarios, such as handling multiple asynchronous actions concurrently or sequentially.

In essence, Redux Thunk provides a straightforward and easy-to-understand solution for most asynchronous scenarios, while Redux Saga offers more advanced capabilities and flexibility, making it suitable for complex asynchronous flows.

Interviewer: Well summarized! Now, let’s touch on Higher Order Components (HOCs). Could you explain what a Higher Order Component is and provide an example of how you might use one in a React application?

Candidate: Certainly. A Higher Order Component (HOC) is a pattern in React where a function takes a component and returns a new component with additional props or functionality. It is a way to reuse component logic.

Here’s a simple example:

import React from react;

// A Higher Order Component that adds a “color” prop to the wrapped component

const withColor = (WrappedComponent, color) => {

return class extends React.Component {

render() {

return <WrappedComponent {this.props} color={color} />;




// A component that will be wrapped

const DisplayComponent = (props) => {

return <div style={{ color: props.color }}>Hello, HOC!</div>;


// Using the HOC to create a new component

const ComponentWithColor = withColor(DisplayComponent, blue);

// Render the new component

ReactDOM.render(<ComponentWithColor />, document.getElementById(root));

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In this example, the withColor HOC takes a component (DisplayComponent) and adds a color prop to it. The resulting ComponentWithColor can then be used in the application with the added color prop.

Interviewer: Excellent example! Let’s wrap up our discussion. Do you have any questions for me or anything else you’d like to add?

Candidate: Thank you for the insightful discussion. I don’t have any specific questions at the moment, but I appreciate the opportunity to share my knowledge and experience.

Feel free to continue or conclude the interview as needed.

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