Part 1 of this series was an introduction to the Tenant Service project, the AWS services used and configurations for the Serverless Framework.
In this article, part 2, we will take a deeper look at the composition of the entities because they play a vital role in how we define our table schema when adopting the Single Table
design strategy. Also contained in this part 2 is Lambda function configuration with the Serverless Framework, configurations for creating DynamoDB table, keys and Global Secondary Index.
Simple example of building Serverless API on AWS using TypeScript
Tenant Service
The Tenant Service is a serverless application built on AWS Lambda and other services using the Serverless Framework. It provides management of tenants and payments made for a property, as well as basic CRUD operations for properties.
- Tenant Management: Create, update, and delete tenant information, including name, phone, and property allocation.
- Payment Management: Record tenant payments, including payment amount and date.
- Property CRUD: Perform basic CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update) on property information, such as property details, address, and rental rates.
The Tenant Service utilizes the following AWS services:
- AWS Lambda: Handles the serverless functions for processing tenant, payment and property operations.
- API Gateway: Provides a RESTful API to interact with the service.
- DynamoDB: Stores tenant and property data, as well as payment records.
- EventBridge (CloudWatch Events): Triggers lambda function on schedule.
- AWS CloudFormation: Automates the provisioning and management of AWS resources.
- Amazon SNS Sends SMS…
The Tenant Service contains these entities tenant
, payment
and property
. Let's take a look at the Tenant entity.
import {v4} from "uuid";
export enum TenantStatus {
Active = "Active",
InActive = "Inactive"
export class Tenant {
readonly id: string;
readonly PK: string;
readonly SK: string;
readonly name: string;
readonly phone: string;
readonly status = TenantStatus.InActive;
readonly Type: string =;
readonly GSI1PK: string;
readonly GSI2PK: string;
constructor(data: Partial<Tenant>){ = ?? v4(); =; =;
const { PK, SK } = Tenant.BuildPK(;
this.PK = PK;
this.SK = SK;
const { GSI1PK, GSI2PK } = Tenant.BuildGSIKeys({ id: });
this.GSI1PK = GSI1PK;
this.GSI2PK = GSI2PK;
static BuildPK(id: string) {
return {
PK: `tenant#id=${id}`,
SK: `profile#id=${id}`
static BuildGSIKeys(prop?: {id: string}) {
return {
GSI1PK: `tenant#id=${prop?.id}`,
GSI2PK: `type#${}`
In the src/tenant.ts
file, we have pretty self-explanatory fields and two static functions. We also have an enumeration that is used to categorise tenants into;
those whose payments are still valid and have not expired as
andthose whose payments have expired and need to be renewed or no longer reside in the property as
The static functions, BuildPK
and BuildGSIKeys
are for formatting primary keys for both our default table and for Global Secondary Index (GSIs). These keys help with data manipulation in DynamoDB. These static functions are used as a convention in the Tenant Service such that the BuildPK
is used to format the Primary key and BuildGSIKeys
is used to format GSI keys where applicable. More about keys in the DynamoDB section.
Lambda Configuration
Lambda function configuration refers to parameters needed for the execution of a lambda function. This includes the function trigger and memory requirements, environment variables, AWS role and other services that the function will need to interact with. The Serverless Framework makes developing and deploying a Lambda function easy. However, it is up to you to organise your code in your preferred way that will be easy to navigate. I have organised the Tenant service in such a way that each lambda function resides in a separate directory to isolate them from the other functions. This provides a clear visual indication that all the required files for a function are located within a single directory.
The ./lambda
directory contains all the functions that make our API. I prefer to name a function directory using _verb_s as it is easy to spot where a function resides based on its name and the action it performs. Let's take a look at the CreateTenant
CreateTenant Function
The CreateTenant directory contains three (3) files; config.yml
, schema.ts
and index.ts
The config.yml file contains necessary function configurations, description, deployment and invocation mechanism using the Serverless Framework. Every necessary configuration as per application requirement for this function has to be declared here. The important keys in this file are described below:
- points to the TypeScript function to be invoked when the corresponding event is triggered - in this case, it is themain
- has to do with the amount of memory needed and execution duration of the functionenvironment
: key for specifying environment variables if needediamRoleStatements
: lists permissions and the object of action in the AWS ecosystem. In the configuration below we have thedynamodb:PutItem
action with permission set toallow
on a database table resource via its resource
: lists the triggers for the function - in this case, it ishttp
which refers to an invocation from API Gateway. It also specifies the request method asPOST
and its path as/tenants
This file contains the JSON schema for validating the request payload for the CreateProperty function. This JSON schema is used by middy middleware to validate the request payload before the lambda function is executed. An error is thrown if the shape of the payload does not conform to the schema.
export default {
type: 'object',
required: ['body'],
properties: {
body: {
type: 'object',
required: ['name', 'phone'],
properties: {
name: {type: 'string'},
phone: {type: 'string'}
} as const
contains the code that will be executed when the function is triggered
is a function of typeValidatedEventAPIGatewayProxyEvent<T>
. It receives an argument nameevent
that has been formatted to match a specified schema via the generic<typeof S>
construct. The event argument contains event-related fields which includebody
fields from where the user data is gotten.The exported
function is lambda's entry point. It takes in the handler function and schema field via themiddyfy
function and chainsjsonBodyParser
middlewares together before finally calling thehandler
Type definition function
The ValidatedAPIGatewayProxyEvent
is the type definition for the handler
function used in index.ts
. This function sets the shape of the body
and queryStringParameters
fields in the request payload proxied by API Gateway.
This src/libs/api-gateway.ts
file also contains a function formatJSONResponse
that formats response for API Gateway.
import type { APIGatewayProxyEvent, APIGatewayProxyResult, Handler } from "aws-lambda"
import type { FromSchema } from "json-schema-to-ts";
type ValidatedAPIGatewayProxyEvent<S> = Omit<APIGatewayProxyEvent, 'body' | 'queryStringParameters'>
& { body: FromSchema<S> }
& { queryStringParameters: FromSchema<S> }
export type ValidatedEventAPIGatewayProxyEvent<S> = Handler<ValidatedAPIGatewayProxyEvent<S>, APIGatewayProxyResult>
export const formatJSONResponse = (response: Record<string, unknown>, statusCode = 200) => {
return {
body: JSON.stringify(response)
DynamoDB Configuration
Single-Table approach...certainly not for the faint-hearted.
- Paul Swali
Designing for a relational database software system sometimes requires that one achieves normalization - a 3NF, by splitting data into separate tables where each table represents an entity. You could have a join table
as needed. The Single Table design requires a different approach which could be challenging at least for the first time and in some complex scenarios.
It is important to note that DynamoDB does not constrain you to the use of only the Single table design. You are welcome to design your DynamoDB tables as though you were working on a relational database system with several tables in place. With that said, let's dive into the Tenant service table schema.
The configuration for the DynamoDB resource is found in ./resource/database-table.yml
which contains some sort of DDL
statement. Given the fact that all entities will be stored in a single table, we have to define generic keys
that will be meaningful across all entities. In other words, the attributes selected to serve as keys and ensure data integrity must apply to Tenant
, Payment
and Property
entities. To make that generic and easy to manipulate, it is best to name them by their function. For the Tenant service, PK
refers to the partition key and SK
, sort key.
The DynamoDB resource file database-table.yml
reveals self-descriptive fields except for a few. The table is designed to have a composite primary key
and two Global Secondary Indexes
that have their respective primary keys; GSI1PK
and GSI2PK
. The table also enables DynamoDB Streaming
via the StreamSpecification
Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table
TableName: ${self:service}-${self:provider.stage}-Table
- AttributeName: PK
AttributeType: S
- AttributeName: SK
AttributeType: S
- AttributeName: GSI1PK
AttributeType: S
- AttributeName: GSI2PK
AttributeType: S
- AttributeName: PK
KeyType: HASH
- AttributeName: SK
KeyType: RANGE
StreamViewType: NEW_IMAGE
- IndexName: GSI1
- AttributeName: GSI1PK
KeyType: HASH
ProjectionType: ALL
- IndexName: GSI2
- AttributeName: GSI2PK
KeyType: HASH
ProjectionType: ALL
DynamoDB Keys - PK & SK
A composite primary key is a primary key that consists of more than one attribute - which is used to uniquely identify a record in a table. Leveraging the composite key concept, we have the PK
and SK
defined in the KeySchema
field. The primary key determines the Data Access Patterns
in DynamoDB which is how data is accessed within a table. Care has to be taken when deciding on how a primary key is constructed. In the snippet below, we see how the Tenant's entity primary key is constructed; an id is passed in as an argument to the BuildPK
function and we have an object with two attributes as the primary key - this primary key has to match the requirement of the primary key definition in the ./resource/database-table.yml
static BuildPK(id: string) {
return {
PK: `tenant#id=${id}`
SK: `profile#id=${id}`
To retrieve a tenant's record from the table, this primary key is used. By using the primary key, a full table scan
is avoided because of its performance and cost implications. We may need to retrieve a tenant's record by a different attribute other than the initial primary key. When this happens we then need to create an alternative primary key typically seen as another Data Access Pattern
. In doing so, a tenant record can be retrieved based on that attribute that now forms the primary key. How can this alternative primary key be created?
Given the needs of an application, multiple Data Access Patterns would need to be utilized for effective data retrieval
Global Secondary Index
To keep it simple, a Global Secondary Index - (GSI)
enables you to create an alternative primary key using a different attribute. This ultimately provides more options with which we can query a DynamoDB table.
The Tenant entity has two fields; GSI1PK
and GSI2PK
that serve as primary keys to the GSIs defined in the GlobalSecondaryIndexes
key. There are two indexes; GSI1
and GSI2
, the key type and projection which specifies the attributes you want to return when that index is used.
The Payment
and Property
entities have just one GSI key which is the GSI1PK
. In Part 3 of this series, we will look at the usefulness of having a generic key such that entities share similar keys but with different functionality. It is important to note that GSIs and their corresponding keys are added on a per-need basis - the needed Data Access Pattern should determine what keys are created and their composition.
Keys In Action
// ...imports
const handler: ValidatedEventAPIGatewayProxyEvent<typeof schema> = async (event) => {
const { status }: {[key: string]: any} = event.queryStringParameters;
const { GSI2PK } = Tenant.BuildGSIKeys();
const result = await ddbDocClient.send(new QueryCommand({
TableName: process.env.TENANT_TABLE_NAME,
IndexName: GSIs.GSI2,
KeyConditionExpression: 'GSI2PK = :gsi2pk',
FilterExpression: '#status = :status',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':gsi2pk': GSI2PK,
':status': status,
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#name': 'name',
'#status': 'status'
ProjectionExpression: 'id, #name'
const tenants = => item as Pick<Tenant, 'id' | 'name'>);
return formatJSONResponse({
count: tenants.length,
The snippet above contains a DynamoDB Query command operation where an Index and its corresponding primary key are used to fetch one or more records from a DynamoDB table. This is achieved using the IndexName
and KeyConditionExpression
keys. You can also specify filter conditions using the FilterExpression
key as necessary.
In this article we took a step further into entities and their composition, using the tenant
entity as a case study. We also looked at keys, how they were constructed and their usefulness in index operations.
Lambda configuration came next as we looked at how the Serverless Framework applies our configuration for AWS Lambda. The configuration also affects how functions are written as we have to specify the services, interactions and the actual operations (permissions) that can be carried out by the function.
A major section of this article looked at the DynamoDB table service. While this isn't an in-depth review of the DynamoDB service and features, we saw the usefulness of primary key - composite and non-composite types, Global Secondary Index and how you can select what Index you intend to use for a query operation.
In Part 3 of this article, we will go deeper into how primary keys determine what data is returned. We will also see DynamoDB streams in action - with this, you can track changes to your table immediately after a DML operation without issuing another query.
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