DEV Community

Discussion on: TailwindCSS vs Styled-Components in ReactJs

axibord profile image
Aghiles Lounis

You don't understand how well tailwind solves the maintainability problem, you don't understand that styled-components uses css in JS, for big projects with high render frequency even with code splitting you are going in the wrong direction with styled-components, same for MaterialUI, ChakraUI....You juste don't understand that using tailwind is like writing css files, and everyone know in terms of performance nothing beat pure css of course, there is absolutely 0 disadvantage using tailwind compared to all other css frameworks, simply because tailwind is css

willholmes profile image
Will Holmes

Great comment, all valid points and I hope this can help people make their own informed decision further๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

shreykr profile image
Shreyas K R

What ??

Tailwind comes with a number of disadvantages as mentioned in the post starting from readability when stylings for a basic component increases where you'd end up having more classes. You are NOT using vanilla css btw, its a library, which has to do something in order to convert your classes to actual styles.