DEV Community

Elias Baez
Elias Baez

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Creating a simple Python3 script to hash a file.

First, create and a Python file:

touch && code
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Also, let’s create a sample text file to modify. Use nano to create the file and add whatever content in the simple GUI you’d like.

nano sample.txt
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We’ll start in the file. This is by and large thanks to this entry on StackOverflow; the explanatory comments added are my own:

import sys
import hashlib # This is a builtin Python library that knows tested hash functions.

buffer_size = 65536 # This will read the data in 64kb chunks.

md5 = hashlib.md5() # The first mainstream hash function; now considered low-security and not recommended.
sha1 = hashlib.sha1() # Developed by the US; currently used. 

with open(sys.argv[1], 'rb') as f: #Open the terminal file. 'rb' = read bytes
      while True: 
        data = # read the file in 64kb chunks into 'data'
        if not data: # if the file is over
        md5.update(data) # update the hash object with this file
        sha1.update(data) # update again in a second format

print("MD5: {0}".format(md5.hexdigest())) # hexdigest outputs in hex code
print("SHA1: {0}".format(sha1.hexdigest()))
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If you run with your sample.txt included as an argument, you should receive an output in your terminal that looks like this:


python sample.txt
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MD5: 6c5dec6d2deb0f0c1c5fe7d58fdf02c8
SHA1: aedc80ce7e42b12a0ffe0d363043ed22f143c74f
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Part of why SHA1 is considered better is simply because it’s longer. Every added bit in the length of a hash is an exponential gain in security. Hashing is useful because it compresses non-uniform files etc. into a uniform size, more easily handled and exchanged. With SHA1, it is nearly impossible for two files to outcome to the same hash, but MD5 is vulnerable to ‘hash collisions’ where a duplicate hash record can be created that contains potentially hazardous content, but passes a computer’s hash recognition.

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