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Balaji Dharma
Balaji Dharma

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Laravel validation for multiple forms on the same page

Display validation error for multiple forms on the same page

Display validation error for multiple forms on the same page
Photo by Max Chen on Unsplash

I have to implement two forms on the same page for profile updates on the Laravel Basic Admin panel.

One form for basic info and another for password updates. For validation, used $request->validate() a method in the controller

    'name' => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'],
    'email' => ['required', 'string', 'email', 'max:255', 'unique:users,email,'.\Auth::user()->id],
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In view used the below code to display the errors.

@if ($errors->any())
    <ul class="mt-3 list-none list-inside text-sm text-red-400">
        @foreach ($errors->all() as $error)
            <li>{{ $error }}</li>
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But it displayed errors on both forms because the same $errors variable was used to display errors.

Laravel display errors

The $errors the variable will be an instance of Illuminate\Support\MessageBag. To resolve the issue, Laravel has the inbuild solution. We can add the names to MessageBag. Laravel is Named Error Bags

Named Error Bags

We can add named errors in multiple ways.

  • 1. Redirect withErrors
  • 2. validateWithBag method

1. Redirect withErrors

To add a name to the error bag, just pass a name as the second argument to withErrors

For the account added the ‘account’ as a named error and ‘password’ for the password update form.

$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
    'name' => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'],
    'email' => ['required', 'string', 'email', 'max:255', 'unique:users,email,'.\Auth::user()->id],

if ($validator->fails()) {
    return redirect('')
                ->withErrors($validator, 'account')
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Update the below code for views error display

How to show named error bag on view

@if ($errors->account->any())
    <ul class="mt-3 list-none list-inside text-sm text-red-400">
        @foreach ($errors->account->all() as $error)
            <li>{{ $error }}</li>
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2. validateWithBag method

We can use the validateWithBag method to store the error messages in a named error bag if validation fails:

\Validator::make($request->all(), [
    'name' => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'],
    'email' => ['required', 'string', 'email', 'max:255', 'unique:users,email,'.\Auth::user()->id],
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Also, we can use $request->validateWithBag

$request->validateWithBag('account', [
    'name' => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'],
    'email' => ['required', 'string', 'email', 'max:255', 'unique:users,email,'.\Auth::user()->id],
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Added below code to validate the password

$validator = \Validator::make($request->all(), [
    'old_password' => ['required'],
    'new_password' => ['required', Rules\Password::defaults()],
    'confirm_password' => ['required', 'same:new_password', Rules\Password::defaults()],

$validator->after(function ($validator) use ($request) {
    if ($validator->failed()) return;
    if (! Hash::check($request->input('old_password'), \Auth::user()->password)) {
            'old_password', 'Old password is incorrect.'

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Laravel validation for multiple forms on the same page
Laravel validation for multiple forms on the same page

Thank you for reading!

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