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Basim Ghouri
Basim Ghouri

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Security in Laravel: How to Protect Your App Part 3

Request Origin

In your application, you can get requests from multiple sites. It could be a webhook, a mobile application, requests from a Javascript project, etc.

In these cases, we should take a defensive approach. A lot of antiviruses are great examples that a non-trust list simply does not work as we cannot keep updating different origins and sites all the time. In this case, a trust list can be the best approach to only validate some origins.

In short, a trust list could work if we know the origins that we are going to allow. But what if we do not?

Maybe an unknown origin could try to send unauthenticated requests. In this case, Laravel once again provides a great tool out of the box. We can use the throttles middleware to protect a route or group of routes from malicious requests. This is one of Laravel's security best practices to consider.

Route::get('dashboard', DashboardController::class)    ->middleware('throttle:3,10');
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The param:3,10 represents that it allows 3 requests during 10 minutes. At the fourth request, it would throw an error 429 in the browser. If it is a request that has a content-type: application/json and accept: application-json, it would return a response with 429 status and a message with the exception.

You can go even further and add a RateLimiter on the app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php:

protected function configureRateLimiting() 
    RateLimiter::for('global', function (Request $request) {
        return Limit::perMinute(1000);     
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Then in your route file, you can define a route like this:

Route::get('dashboard', DashboardController::class)->middleware('throttle:global');
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If you want to dive deeper into the rate limiter, you can visit this resource. And if you want to get something more robust in terms of a trusts list, here is a great package for adding a white list implementation.

Do Not Trust Sites Without an SSL Certificate

A site that does not have an SSL certificate should not be allowed. No data should be sent without proper encrypted channels as this could lead to a potential man-in-the-middle attack where your data can be exposed.

Lastly, do not share session ids or cookies with insecure connections that do not use the HTTPS protocol. Doing so can also expose sensitive data.

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Basim Ghouri

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