DEV Community

Discussion on: How to land your first tech job: apply everywhere

beetlehope profile image
Nadia Zhuk • Edited

That's a tough question!
To be honest, I don't remember how much time I spent on job search vs on learning (I wish I kept a blog or at least a diary), but I think that once I felt I was ready to start applying, I spent most of the day on job hunting, and the rest of the day on learning and improving my portfolio. It's hard to find a balance here.
None of this is easy, and when looking for my first job, I treated the job search as my full time job in itself.
Having said that, I never applied to 500 jobs a month, no near close to that. I need to look up how many applications I sent in, but I have a feeling it was fewer than a hundred in total, and my job search lasted around 1.5 months.

Are you looking for your first tech job right now?

nikaffa profile image
Veronika Fatikhova

Thanks for your reply!
Yes, I'm looking for my first tech job now and I agree, that's a full-time job itself))) I appreciated you sharing your personal experience! I took your advice and I'd love to hear more about your interviewing experience (and preparing for it as well) and the rest of the job-hunting history (landing your first job)!

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beetlehope profile image
Nadia Zhuk

Best of luck with your job search!

I will try to cover these topics in my upcoming videos, please consider subscribing to my channel if you are interested in such content :) Thank you!

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nikaffa profile image
Veronika Fatikhova

Thank you very much! Sure I will!