DEV Community

Discussion on: Rewriting's Android App

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I love this post. Really great primer on how this process comes to happen.

autonomousapps profile image
Tony Robalik

Thank you! I was worried it might come across as promotional, but really I'm just excited to get to work on a greenfield project and do things "right" from the start.

rhymes profile image

BTW it would be awesome if, from time to time, you were able to update with the progress of the rewrite (barring trade secrets obviously :-))

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autonomousapps profile image
Tony Robalik

I intend to! I'd like to publish every couple weeks. I have several planned posts, including: Kotlin, Moshi,, Room, the Paging lib, static analysis & CI, etc etc....

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chrisvasqm profile image
Christian Vasquez

I'm super interested in this!

I'm currently redoing all the exercises that are part of Udacity's Android Basics courses with Kotlin and I bet I can learn a bunch from you :)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Nah, great overview. It's not like you're out here pushing stuff on us. Everybody here writes code for some company and it's natural to make it part of the story. As you've done here, when your intentions are to write something useful, it comes across.