DEV Community

Discussion on: What is the funniest thing a non-developer has asked you about code?

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Ben Halpern

That statement you wrote is ignorant on so many levels that transcend tech.

As far as my answer, I try not to blame or shame non-tech folks for "dumb questions" or stuff like that, but I've definitely had my share of funny or frustrating moments.

One time, in the midst of some technical debt which was making it hard for me to update our admin interface in a timely manner the client started insisting we change to Wordpress. I tried to explain that not only can we not "just change to Wordpress", but it made absolutely no sense for this app I had built and furthermore I don't know Wordpress beyond a passing knowledge of how it works.

Somehow he insisted on arguing my points with no actual basis for any of his points. That project eventually fell apart altogether.