DEV Community

Discussion on: Ideas about preserving history of "fixes" to problems you've encountered?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Yeah, it would be like that. I'd see it as a browser extension with a "send-to-my-index" button of sorts which would then archive it locally and index for full-text search.

I think the key is it has to be easy to use and work like Mac launcher or Alfred, etc. Or else I might never end up using it.

I'd be surprised if something like this doesn't exist. I'll send some more eyeballs to this thread at some point so we can get to the bottom of this.

Thread Thread
ribugent profile image
Gerard Ribugent Navarro

In fact I developed it as a sideproject.

It does full text indexing, there are chrome/firefox extensions and there are a simple fabebook and twitter autoimport integrations, but it's not local, it's an online service.

Nowadays only few coworkers and me are using it, if you're interested i can send you and invite for registration.

The page is