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Discussion on: I am a middle aged junior developer, Ask Me Anything!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I now work with web development and hoping to move into game development in the future

Have you been doing any game development in your personal time?

stargator profile image

Follow-up question, Do you have any concerns about the stability of working at a game company as far as job security?

That's always been a concern for me as well as I am not willing to risk increasing my stress if a project happens to start following bad project management practices.

tomasforsman profile image
Tomas Forsman

Yes and no. Logically I'm aware of the issue and my final goal would be to start a game company myself, but I can't (well, I could but it would probably be a disaster) do that without some experience working in the industry. I'm not really a person that worries about security as much as I perhaps should. The reason for that can be found in the article I linked above.

tomasforsman profile image
Tomas Forsman

Yes, I've spent a lot of time in Unity, not much to show for it in terms of finished projects though. It's hard to stay focused over time when you have nobody that checks in and question your decisions to watch TV instead of keep going on a project.