DEV Community

Discussion on: I created DEV and have other positive qualities, ask me anything!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern



  • We already convert all DEV images to WebP where the browser permits and have done since day 1. - We will adopt Brotli as soon as it's practical to do so.
  • Prefetch definitely coming some day, didn't want to be an overly new adopter of H2 stuff which could force us to rethink our architecture.
  • I'd love to be early into WebAssembly if we can find a really good reason to do so. I've been mostly not adopting a lot of new and shiny client web stuff in JS because I'd rather jump to leveraging WA.


Yes! But not rushing anything. We need to staff up and/or get organized enough to have someone full-time dedicated to this part of the site and dedicated to supporting community members who want to ship in. We currently have bigger fires to put out than the editor πŸ˜„

thewhitewulfy profile image
Alok Prateek

@ben I recently joined Dev, though I had been a reader for past 2 years.

I made a small chrome extension that allows me to send data from zettlr editor( included in the extension to v1 editor text box.

zettlr allows me to preview the posts while writing it and allows for formatting shortcuts.

hopefully I'll launch it next week on github as open source, but I want to working before that. I doesn't run correctly on linux or Mac, only in windows at the moment.