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Bilge Koç
Bilge Koç

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Applications and Basic Principles of Machine Learning in Everyday Life

Machine learning, as a cornerstone of modern technology, appears in many aspects of our daily lives. For example, a shopping platform analyzes your past purchases to determine your personal preferences and make personalized product recommendations. Tesla's autonomous driving capabilities allow its vehicles to recognize traffic rules, other vehicles, pedestrians, and obstacles. Gmail organizes your inbox by classifying emails as spam, irrelevant, or important. Netflix uses data from the shows and movies you've watched to recommend new content tailored specifically to you.

Without these recommendation algorithms, finding what you're looking for among hundreds or thousands of movies would be difficult, and the platform's efficiency would be significantly reduced. Machine learning automates discovery and greatly enhances user experience. But how do these processes occur? Do engineers code every detail manually? Of course not. These platforms and devices are equipped with learning algorithms that observe user data and learn on their own.

Examining machine learning in this context reveals a direct correlation between the abundance of data and the things that can be learned. Imagine we have a data pool; as our data increases and this pool fills up, the number of things that can be learned also increases. If we have no data, meaning our pool is empty, there is nothing to learn. The more data we have, the higher the learning capacity and accuracy of the algorithms. Therefore, the amount and quality of data are critical to the success of machine learning processes.

Types of Machine Learning: Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforcement, and Semi-Supervised Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) solve complex problems using various learning methods. These methods define how algorithms interact with different types of data and learn. This article discusses supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, and semi-supervised learning.

Supervised Learning

Supervised learning is a type of learning that uses labeled datasets for a specific task. In this method, the algorithm is trained with an input-output pair. The goal is to learn the relationship between input data and correct outputs.

Consider a fruit classification system. Input data includes the characteristics of the fruit (color, size, weight), and output data includes the type of fruit (apple, banana, orange). The algorithm learns to classify different fruits correctly using this data.


  • High accuracy: The algorithm provides correct results due to the labeled dataset.
  • Broad application: Suitable for various tasks such as prediction, classification, and regression.


  • Data requirements: Needs large labeled datasets.
  • Labeling cost: Manually labeling data can be time-consuming and costly.

Unsupervised Learning

Unsupervised learning is a type of learning that works with unlabeled data. The algorithm aims to discover hidden patterns and structures in the data. This method is used to gain new insights into datasets.

Consider a system used for customer segmentation. By analyzing customers' shopping habits (purchased products, amount spent, visit frequency), customer groups (segments) with similar characteristics are formed.


  • No label requirement: Can work with unlabeled data.
  • Discovery: Discovers hidden patterns and structures in the data.


  • Uncertainty: Outputs may not always be meaningful or useful.
  • Evaluation difficulty: It's hard to evaluate the model's performance since there are no labels to determine correct results.

Semi-Supervised Learning

Semi-supervised learning is a type of learning that uses both labeled and unlabeled data. This method is ideal for situations where labeled data is scarce, but there is a large amount of unlabeled data.

Consider a language translation system. The system is trained with a small number of labeled translation examples and a large amount of unlabeled text data. Unlabeled data helps the system learn the structure and rules of the language.


  • Data efficiency: High accuracy can be achieved with a small amount of labeled data.
  • Lower labeling cost: Learning is achieved from unlabeled data as well.


  • Model complexity: Working with both labeled and unlabeled data requires more complex models.
  • Performance uncertainty: The quality of unlabeled data can affect the model's performance.

Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning is a trial-and-error process in which an agent tries to maximize its reward in a given environment. The agent takes a series of actions and receives rewards or penalties as a result. The goal is to learn the best strategy to achieve the highest long-term reward.

Consider a robot trying to find its way out of a maze. The robot receives a reward (moving in the correct direction) or a penalty (moving in the wrong direction) for each action. Over time, it learns the path that results in the least penalties and the highest rewards to exit the maze.


  • Adaptability: The agent can adapt to dynamic and changing environments.
  • Self-learning: It has the capacity to learn without human intervention.


  • Time and resource requirements: Learning the optimal strategy can take a long time and require high processing power.
  • Complexity: The learning process can be very complex for some problems.


Supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement, and semi-supervised learning are fundamental methods of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Each method is suitable for different types of data and problems, playing important roles in data analysis and decision-making processes. These learning types enable the development of modern AI applications and the solution of various problems in everyday life.

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