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Discussion on: Why are people developing inside containers?

blackgirlbytes profile image
Rizèl Scarlett • Edited

Hmm, maybe GitPod, CodeSandbox, and Transparently, I work at GitHub, and I'm most familiar with using GitHub I don't know what the set up looks like for these tools or if you can pre-install things like extensions in those IDEs. I think you can with GitPod..that may be the closest alternative.

Any reason why you're looking for something outside of GitHub?

igoro00 profile image
Igor Ordecha • Edited

Because it's vendor lock in. GitHub's pricing may be competitive now but how can I know it will still be few years from now? In the worst case scenario I can't selfhost codespaces.
GitPod on the other hand can be selfhosted and you're not vendor locked-in to GitHub with your repo(GitHub is currently the best Git service but who knows if that's gonna be the case in the future)

The same with databases. You shouldn't use Firestore(or Firebase as a whole) for that reason. You should use something standard (SQL) so when your provider of choice goes under, you dump everything, create a DB with another provider or you selfhost one, restore the dump on the new database, change environment variables and you're good to go.

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blackgirlbytes profile image
Rizèl Scarlett

Fair points!!

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