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Discussion on: Open Source: Rewriting git history(amend/rebase)

blackr1234 profile image

I don't quite understand the "Ctrl+o and exit with Ctrl+x" part. Why do you need to press them? For me, in both Windows and macOS, I save with :wq (vim) in git CLI.

lucassperez profile image
Lucas Perez

Nano is the default git editor (at least it was for me), and those are the commands to save and exit, respectively, in it.

okimotomizuho profile image
MizuhoOkimoto • Edited

Thank you, Lucas. As you said, I used Window Powershell and nano.

blackr1234 profile image
blackr1234 • Edited

Oh I see, nano has a different interface, with keyboard shortcuts listed at the bottom. My Git isn't using nano. I think it's using vi.