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Discussion on: Au Revoir, Gentoo - Sell Me A New Linux Distro

blesiloquent profile image
Ernie • Edited

Sounds like you need to try them all out to see what suits you. But it also sounds like you'll get bored with a "stable" distro when you've got nothing to configure..

For stability I use Pop!os on my 'modern' laptop which I share with my wife. However, on my old x230 ThinkPad I run NetBSD for that barebones Nostalgia feeling.

You said your needs are "run-of-the-mill" but you use Gentoo so you obviously enjoy spending time in the terminal hacking dotfiles? So I say stick with Gentoo. Why install anything else if you know it well? If you know what you're doing you should have a stable enough system anyhow. Otherwise, if you must distro-hop and you really want to "forget about it", don't use Debian, use Ubuntu or an Ubuntu derivative. It'll be less hassle for more gain. But it probably won't make you happy.

If you want stability but with more options when you get the itch to tinker, use Manjaro. Manjaro is the real MVP. It's just a pity the logo is so ugly.

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

I think this is accurate for me five years ago, but not anymore. I don't want to do more configuration, I got that out of my system. I wouldn't say I enjoy dotfiles so much as I don't mind them, but a boring, stable, static OS is precisely what I want. I do think Manjaro is a good option for that reason, but honestly think the likelihood of getting funky with dotfiles again is low.

blesiloquent profile image

In that case give Pop!_OS by System76 some serious consideration. It comes with gnome by default but install KDE if that's your flavour.

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deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

This has been mentioned a few times, and definitely does look interesting. I thought part of the whole point of using Pop!_OS was their customized GNOME experience. If I install KDE instead, why not just install Ubuntu?

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blesiloquent profile image

I know this is the lazy response, but all the info you need is here:

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deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

Awesome, thank you