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Discussion on: Get Started Writing Scheme

bonfacekilz profile image

I used to think that scheme is locked down in academia, but it turns out I was wrong about that. You should check out GUILE, the official extension language for GNU, and turns out it's a scheme dialect . There's a whole ecosystem written in it like GUIX, shepherd(an alternative init system) and a bunch of other cool stuff. For books to read, I'd strongly recommond Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs(SICP).

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

I've only come across GUILE in the context of GUIX, when I was deep-diving through NixOS. Do you use Guile or Guix?

bonfacekilz profile image

I've been using GUILE for a while(wrt prototyping random things) now. I want to setup GUIX on a spare machine. I run FreeBSD so unfortunately alot of linux tooling doesn't really work out of the box. I want to create a monitoring tool in that ecosystem.

bonfacekilz profile image

Update. I've been using GUIX now for the past 3 months and I've kinda even got my hands dirty hacking on some things in that ecosystem like: