DEV Community

Discussion on: Is TailwindCSS Worth It?

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Brent Dalling

I wrote this article quickly without diving too deep into the framework in my explanations. Maybe I will write a more detailed article that gives more information and directly compares it to another workflow. Ultimately any developer should compare the framework to their project needs to determine if it is the right fit for them. I failed to include this in my article.

I believe Tailwind is an incredibly useful tool to any developer given the chance. But I think it really shines with newer developers or developers with little exposure to front-end development. The tooling included with Tailwind such as the building, tree-shaking, and such are incredibly useful. But each feature likely requires its own article to really demonstrate the tangible benefits. I wrote this to be more of a brief overview of the framework for those maybe on the fence about giving it a shot.

Please comment to this with anything specific you would like to know about Tailwind and I will dig into it possibly with another article. Ultimately I want to help give information that helps developers understand more and gives them insight.

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David Gil de Gómez

I would say that people criticises Tailwind because some guru does not like it. It is not a silver bullet, by any means, it has its pros and cons, but most of the criticism I see is just parroting other's opinions, and many times those don't even fully understand the thing because they have never really used it.

There's not much you can do against that.