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Cover image for Animated Select component using typescript, shadcn and framer-motion
Bro Karim
Bro Karim

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Animated Select component using typescript, shadcn and framer-motion

The "Expand Select Animation" is a custom select component built using TypeScript and Framer Motion, with the base component provided by ShadCN. This component enhances the standard select element with a smooth, visually appealing animation that expands downward to reveal options and collapses upward to hide them.


Source Code


import { Globe } from "lucide-react";
import { Select, SelectContent, SelectGroup, SelectItem, SelectTrigger, SelectValue } from "@/components/ui/select";
import { motion, AnimatePresence } from "framer-motion";

export function ExapandSelect() {
  return (
      <SelectTrigger className="text-white w-[180px]flex gap-2 bg-[#1a1a1a] hover:bg-[#3e3d3d] ring-none border-none ">
        <Globe />
        <SelectValue placeholder="English" />
        <SelectContent className="bg-[#3e3d3d] text-white  border-none p-[1px]">
            initial={{ opacity: 0, height: 0, scale: 0.95 }}
              opacity: 1,
              height: "auto",
              scale: 1,
              transition: {
                type: "spring",
                stiffness: 300,
                damping: 30,
              opacity: 0,
              height: 0,
              scale: 0.95,
              transition: {
                duration: 0.2,
            style={{ transformOrigin: "center" }}
              <SelectItem className=" focus:bg-[#1a1a1a] focus:text-white" value="eng">
              <SelectItem className=" focus:bg-[#1a1a1a] focus:text-white" value="france">
              <SelectItem className=" focus:bg-[#1a1a1a] focus:text-white" value="spain">
              <SelectItem className=" focus:bg-[#1a1a1a] focus:text-white" value="deutsch">
              <SelectItem className=" focus:bg-[#1a1a1a] focus:text-white" value="china">

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