DEV Community

Burhanuddin Udaipurwala
Burhanuddin Udaipurwala

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

How my spammer for WhatsApp works

2 years ago I discovered the fact that modern chat apps could be exploited to spamming the same message over thousands of times. You can send a message to someone a thousand times by using a keyboard app. So i created SPAMit - a spammer for WhatsApp.

This is how it works

Many chat apps have the option of using the enter key of your phone keyboard as the send button. So, you can emulate the keypresses on your device by programming the "keyboard" to type the message and then pressing the enter key. Loop this over how many ever times you want and you effectively have a message bomber. You can take a look here - Github - SPAMit



Steps to use the spammer

  • Enable the keyboard from the Settings
  • Go to WhatsApp>Chats and enable "enter key is send"
  • Set your message and number of messages to send(Dont send huge amount of text messages)
  • Switch to SPAMit keyboard
  • Press the SEND button


You can download an apk to test this out for yourself from the releases tab -
Github - Releases

How apps can prevent this

I don't see a simple fix for message bombing like this. However, the messaging client could detect when messages are being typed at inhuman speeds

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Oldest comments (3)

manishfoodtechs profile image
manish srivastava
itsjzt profile image
Saurabh Sharma

it seems like they might not be preventing for this kind of exploits

itsjzt profile image
Saurabh Sharma • Edited

This post doesn't seems like it belongs to ELI5 tag

This tag is a place to ask for simple explanations of complicated concepts.

There are no stupid questions.

It is not for posting explanations. For that, see the /t/beginners tag.

Comments should be kind and simple explanations that are a response to the post.

CC @nestedsoftware