Step 1. Create a New file or directory on your computer Desktop and name it “My resume”
Step 2: Open the folder, right click and Open Git-bash here, a new window will open
“MINGW64:/c/Users/lenovo/Desktop/My resume”--- for example
Step 3: Create a text file by entering the command
“cd touch file1”
Step 4 : Get a sample Index.html resume from chatgpt and copy the code
Step 5 : On your Git-bash, Enter the command
“vim file1” – To enter the file for editing
“Press ‘I’ “ – To insert a text or code such as the Index.html sample resume
Insert the index.html code from chatgpt
Press “ESC” – To stop inserting
Press “Shift+ colon(:)” – to end the process
Press “ W” – To save your work or “wq” --- To save and exit the file.
Then press “enter” to take you back to bash.
Step 6: Configure your identity in git-bash
Enter the command – “git config – global “Name”
Then press enter
Enter the command – “git config – global “email”
Then press enter
Step 7 : Initialize the git file
Enter the command “git init”
**Step 8: **Go to your github account, login and find the “+” on the top right corner and create a new repository
Give it a name “ Resumerepo” and click “create repository”
Next, Click on the “Code button” and copy the “HTTPS Code”
Step 9 : Git Clone
Enter the command – “git remote add origin “(insert the HTTPS code from github here)”
Enter the command – “git remote add origin
Press Enter
Lets Check the status of our file so far
Enter the command – “ git status”
Untracked files tells us that Git can’t track our file , we need to add it to a staging area to track the file
Enter the command – “git add .” and check the status again by entering “git status”
Step 10: Commit our file to prepare it to be sent to github
Enter the command – “ git commit –m “(commit comment)”
Enter the command – “ git commit –m “Commiting Resumepo”
Now push to Git-hub
Enter the command --- “git push origin master”
Go back to Github and click “ compare & pull request”
Congratulations your resumerepo is on github **___**
Back on your desktop folder , open the folder and the file to see your “Index.html resume code” and confirm with the one on Github
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