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Discussion on: Advent of Code 2020 Solution Megathread - Day 17: Conway Cubes

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My Haskell solution. I created a matrix the size of the input + 7 in each direction and dimension. So the input matrix is in the very middle. Since on 6 cycles it can only grow a maximum of 6 in each direction, I chose 7 because then I can get away with not doing bounds checking. I'm not looping over the outer layer anyways. I also got to use mutable arrays in Haskell, which I recently learned how to use. The part 2 solution was just a copy-paste and adding an extra coordinate. Although I could just have made part 1 take a fourth coordinate but keep it at 0. I also learned that Haskell arrays can handle negative indices just fine, so it was easy to just set the input array at index 0 and then just set the array to be to -7.

import Data.List
import Data.Array
import Data.Array.MArray
import Data.Array.IO
import Data.Foldable
import Control.Monad

type Point = (Int, Int, Int)

sumTuple :: Point -> Point -> Point
sumTuple (z1,y1,x1) (z2,y2,x2) = (z1+z2, y1+y2, x1+x2)

dirs :: [Point]
dirs = [(z,y,x) | z <- [-1..1], y <- [-1..1], x <- [-1..1], (z,y,x) /= (0,0,0)]

neighbours :: Point -> [Point]
neighbours p = map (sumTuple p) dirs

count :: Char -> String -> Int
count x = length . filter (==x)

newState :: Array Point Char -> Point -> Maybe Char
newState arr pos = 
  let alive = count '#' $ map (arr !) $ neighbours pos
      curr   = arr ! pos
    if curr == '#' && (alive > 3 || alive < 2) then Just '.'
    else if curr == '.' && alive == 3 then Just '#'
    else Nothing

update :: Array Point Char -> IOUArray Point Char -> Point -> IO ()
update immutarr mutarr p = 
  forM_ (newState immutarr p) (writeArray mutarr p)

pointsBetween :: Point -> Point -> [Point]
pointsBetween (lz,ly,lx) (uz,uy,ux) = 
  [(z,y,x) | z <- [], y <- [], x <- [lx..ux]]

generation :: IOUArray Point Char -> IO ()
generation mutarr = do 
  immutarr <- freeze mutarr 

  let (l,u) = bounds immutarr

  mapM_ (update immutarr mutarr) $ pointsBetween (sumTuple (1,1,1) l) (sumTuple (-1,-1,-1) u)

countAlive :: Array Point Char -> Int
countAlive immutarr = 
  let (l,u) = bounds immutarr

  in foldl (\acc p -> if immutarr ! p == '#' then acc+1 else acc) 0 $ pointsBetween (sumTuple (1,1,1) l) (sumTuple (-1,-1,-1) u)

main :: IO ()
main = do 
  input <- lines <$> readFile "input.txt" -- Part 1: 448
  let c = 7
      width  = length (head input) + 1
      height = length input + 1

  -- Using (z,y,x) format since that makes it print correctly
  mutarr <- newArray ((-c,-c,-c), (c,height+c,width+c)) '.' :: IO (IOUArray Point Char)

  let init = [(e, (x,y)) | (y,es) <- zip [0..] input, (x,e) <- zip [0..] (input !! y)]
  mapM_ (\(e, (x,y)) -> writeArray mutarr (0,y, x) e) init

  replicateM_ 6 (generation mutarr)

  immutarr <- freeze mutarr :: IO (Array Point Char)
  -- print immutarr
  print $ countAlive immutarr
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