DEV Community

Discussion on: What's your dream job?

cholderby profile image

BTDT and - much to my shock - HATED it.

With all the current talk about increasing gender diversity in tech, I still haven't heard much talk about how incredibly hard is to jump in and out of software development. I took 8 years off. I did lots of freelance and pro bono coding during that time and it was still a very hard hill to climb to come back.

On a totally unrelated subject, I have seen GG Allin in concert, though sadly not the time he famously pooped on stage. Punk legend.

ggallynn profile image

Makes total sense. This was more of a "in a perfect world" scenario. Hopefully, in the future, I can manage to find a balance between software development and raising children.

And high five to a fellow gg allin fan! Too bad no poop was thrown, but that's awesome you got to see him in concert. Hope he still put on a memorable show!