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Discussion on: Describe the best teacher you've ever had

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Chris Greening • Edited

Definitely my high school math teacher.

After elementary school I was placed onto an experimental advanced math track and it immediately turned into a massive source of anxiety, self-esteem/mental health issues, loneliness, etc. for the following 8 years all the way through until high school graduation (and partly even into today ~14 years later)

This particular teacher ended up being my math teacher for the final 3 years of high school (precalc through calc II) and despite still struggling every step of the way he was the first math teacher I'd had that was truly passionate about teaching and made me feel like a person (I went through some pretty awful math teachers prior)

Every couple weeks we'd take a break from math and instead spend a whole class learning about financial literacy, technology, current world events, sustainability, etc. and he focused a lot on connecting the math we were learning to practical real-world situations which inspired me to pursue physics in university (which in turn led me to programming and now here I am)

Out of the ~30 kids that started the program I was one of five that stuck through it to the end and I 100% owe it to his consistent motivation - super fantastic guy, I do a bit of tutoring these days and I look back to his teaching style so I can try to help others feel less alone while trying to learn