DEV Community

Discussion on: Is programming for me?

christopheek profile image
Christophe El-Khoury • Edited

The answer to this is really simple.
If you love it, do it. If you don't, don't. Makes sense?

In other words, if you genuinely like building something from nothing, or building something from other things, because at the end of the day this is what programming is really all about, then you continue doing it.

Having people who are really knowledgeable about these topics should be considered as a positive thing rather than a drawback. These people can transfer to you the knowledge you might lack or the misinformation you might have, and you can also transfer your own knowledge to them.

Feeling like you're not at the top of the food chain is natural and realistic, you're never going to be the best ever at what you do, but you can always aim at being one of the best. Don't let it pull you down, take it as a healthy competition where you need to shine more than those around you.

When I was a newbie, which I still am, I'd find open-source projects that need help and try to contribute to those. I'd try to answer as many questions on Stack Overflow as I can. I'd try to find people I look up to and follow their blog posts, ask them questions and gain as much experience from them as I can.
At the end of the day, practice, practice and more practice.

My advice is? Again. If you don't love coding, spending hours in front of a computer screen, then just drop it.
Otherwise, practice, ask, answer, repeat.

And if there's anything else you need to know, ask, satisfy your curiosity, you can always find me on and I'll be more than happy to help you out.

rinsama77 profile image

Thank you! Yes, I do love coding. I like seeing the problems I try to solve getting solved and the solution working!

It's interesting that you suggest contributing to the community aside from practicing. Though I'm not at the level where I can fully help others but I will try as much as possible!

Thank you again for taking time to answer a thoughtful and useful advice TvT. I really appreciate it, and for the email as well :)

christopheek profile image
Christophe El-Khoury

There's no such thing as a specific level where you can help others.

I'll give you an example of how you can contribute to the open source community.

Assume you're starting a JavaScript project, and you're requiring the use of a certain module, say a normalizer which takes an email address and gets rid of all capitalization.

What you can do is access the repo of that project, take a look of how the code is written, then take a look at the issues in that repo. Figure out if you can fix anything, then open a pull request for it.

Get your hands dirty early-on.

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rinsama77 profile image

Aye, aye!! I'll try contributing as much as possible from now on 👍