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Discussion on: Another Way to Find Max Partitions

christopheriolo profile image
Christophe Riolo • Edited

Awesome thinking! Thanks for the algorithm!
I'm on my phone so hard to time, so I'll let you try it, but a couple of ideas that might make the code a bit faster :

from math import ceil # no dynamic lookup of ceil

def optimal_summands(n):
    k = ceil(((1 + 8*n)**0.5 - 1) / 2)  # one affectation less
    the_sum = k * (k+1) // 2 # no casting, python will make an int
    diff = the_sum - n - 1 # outside the list comprehension to make sure it's computed only once
    return [i for i in range(1, k+1) if i != diff] # less code, more pythonic. If n is senior, diff is negative so nothing is filtered out.
schedutron profile image
Saurabh Chaturvedi

Amazing! Thanks for making the code more Pythonic! But, won't the if in the list comprehension be computed k times? In my version, it was computed just once, but then the del made O(k) shifts, so both seem nevertheless sort of balanced. I don't know precisely why, but after I benchmarked your code with mine, my code still ran in a quarter of time taken by your code.

christopheriolo profile image
Christophe Riolo • Edited

Yes indeed, I just got my hands on a computer and I tested everything out, you were faster than me :)
I have a very slight increase in performance with this version :

from math import ceil # no dynamic lookup of ceil

def summands_opt(n):
    k = ceil(((1 + 8*n)**0.5 - 1) / 2)  # one affectation less
    the_sum = k * (k+1) // 2 # no casting, python will make an int
    summands = list(range(1, k+1))
    del summands[the_sum-n-1]
    return summands

The del statement does not fail when there is nothing to delete.

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schedutron profile image
Saurabh Chaturvedi

Awesome! Now this is some production-quality code! Thanks for adding readability to the code as well.

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christopheriolo profile image
Christophe Riolo

Don't listen to this tired programmer who did too much Ocaml lately: the condition is necessary because of how python interprets negative indices.
I tried other versions, thinking that using more iterators should be faster, but surprisingly no. Here are all the codes and timings I did:

import math
from math import ceil # no dynamic lookup of ceil
from itertools import chain

def summands(n):
    k = ((1 + 8*n)**0.5 - 1) / 2
    k = math.ceil(k)
    summands = list(range(1, k+1))
    the_sum = int(k * (k+1) / 2)
    if the_sum - n > 0:  # If n is not senior.
        del summands[the_sum-n-1]
    return summands

def summands_opt(n):
    k = ceil(((1 + 8*n)**0.5 - 1) / 2)
    the_sum = k * (k+1) // 2
    summands = list(range(1, k+1))
    if the_sum - n > 0:  # If n is not senior.
        del summands[the_sum-n-1]
    return summands

def summands_iter(n):
    k = ceil(((1 + 8*n)**0.5 - 1) / 2)
    the_sum = k * (k+1) // 2
    pluck = max(0, the_sum - n)
    return list(chain(
        range(1, pluck),
        range(pluck+1, k+1)))

def summands_list(n):
    k = ceil(((1 + 8*n)**0.5 - 1) / 2)
    the_sum = k * (k+1) // 2
    pluck = max(0, the_sum - n)
    return list(range(1, pluck)) + list(range(pluck+1, k+1)
>>> from timeit import timeit
>>> timeit(setup='from partition import summands', stmt='summands(10000)', number=100000)
>>> timeit(setup='from partition import summands_opt', stmt='summands_opt(10000)', number=100000)
>>> timeit(setup='from partition import summands_iter', stmt='summands_iter(10000)', number=100000)
>>> timeit(setup='from partition import summands_list', stmt='summands_list(10000)', number=100000)

The last two surprised me a lot: how can the chaining of iterators be slower than concatenation of lists? But unsurprisingly the definition of a custom generator to chain was even slower…

def summands_gen(n):
    k = ceil(((1 + 8*n)**0.5 - 1) / 2)
    the_sum = k * (k+1) // 2
    pluck = max(0, the_sum - n)
    def gen():
        yield from range(1, pluck)
        yield from range(pluck+1, k+1)
    return list(gen())
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christopheriolo profile image
Christophe Riolo

However, once removing the casting to list, summands_iter would be the only version that do not cause an overflow for very large numbers :

def summands_iter(n):
    k = ceil(((1 + 8*n)**0.5 - 1) / 2)
    the_sum = k * (k+1) // 2
    pluck = max(0, the_sum - n)
    return chain(
        range(1, pluck),
        range(pluck+1, k+1))

>>> summands_opt(2**60)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/christophe/python/", line 17, in summands_opt
    summands = list(range(1, k+1))
>>> for i in summands_iter(2**60): print(i)
# still printing !
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schedutron profile image
Saurabh Chaturvedi

Whoa! That was some deep analysis!