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Discussion on: Regex isn't that hard

cmohan profile image
Catherine Mohan

Great article! I've been using RegEx patterns a lot recently in Powershell as some commands return values as a very long string instead of a proper object. RegEx patterns make pulling the data much easier. I use RegEx 101 to help build my pattern strings. It has very helpful color coding and a dictionary of all the different RegEx operators.

dinmon profile image
Dinys Monvoisin

Thank you, Catherine, for contributing to this article and providing the readers with addition resources. I wonder what you were using Regex for in PowerShell. Are you using Grep?

cmohan profile image
Catherine Mohan • Edited

No, Powershell can use RegEx natively for working with strings. I mostly use Select-String -Pattern to pull substrings out of large string responses. Some string commands even use it by default and you have to remember that or else you'll be a bit confused why some of your code is not responding the way you hope.

-split and -replace will use RegEx to match strings, but .Split() and .Replace() don't. So "catherine.mohan" -split "." returns all the characters and ("catherine.mohan").Split(".") returns catherine and mohan as expected.
You can escape the period and it'll work too.

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dinmon profile image
Dinys Monvoisin

Is your file sparsely found everywhere that's why you are using command line? Often you will just use a program to do all these.

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cmohan profile image
Catherine Mohan

I'm not sure what file you're referring to. I use RegEx in the Powershell CLI, Powershell scripts, and in Powershell apps that I create. Mostly for parsing strings, and occasionally for searching strings. Powershell commands usually return objects with properties, but recently I've had to use some commands that return objects with a single property that is just a long string with all the values in a list Since I can't use the typical $ notation to get values, I have to use RegEx to parse the giant string looking for the values I need.

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dinmon profile image
Dinys Monvoisin

Oh, using a string itself in PowerShell. Interesting. May I have more context about the application of it?

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cmohan profile image
Catherine Mohan

Sure! One of the recent times I've used regular expressions is when I needed to search the Windows Event Logs. In the GUI, you can only reliably search by Event ID even though the actual event has lots of info. You can get that info with the Get-EventLog Powershell command. It's all in the Message property, but that property is just a very long string even if it looks like this:

Computer: comp-01
User: catherine.mohan
CreationTime: 9/12/2020 9:31:00 PM

Since I can't save it to a variable and access it like $var.User as you would expect, I have to do this instead to get the User value.

$matches = $event.Message | Select-String -Pattern "User: (.*?)\n"

# Output: catherine.mohan

If I need the same info from a lot of results, I will make arrays of my own custom objects so I only have to do the matching process once in a loop. Now that I can get the values, I can use them to filter the results and search for the events I need with greater accuracy.

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dinmon profile image
Dinys Monvoisin

Wow, that's so cool. I did not know that you could access EventLog through PowerShell. Thanks for sharing. I will try to explore interesting stuff you can do with PowerShell when I have time.