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What is Docker!

Let’s get started…

Whenever a product is being designed the first and the only goal with that product is “I want to solve a specific problem (or) somehow I want to reduce the friction that users are currently facing”.

The problem statement that docker is trying to resolve…

Whenever a developer develops any product there are certain issues which are probably almost every time occurs. Well, that problem is whenever you are designing a project it works fine in your machine(the developer machine). But as soon as that project is moved on the production state may be on the servers (or) maybe somebody’s else computer in that case the project usually fails to work with the same performance (or) optimization when it is moved from one computer to another. So the classic problem is “it works on my machine”. Docker is designed to specifically address this exact problem “it works on my machine”.

Docker is just completely a different thing and it’s compatible with almost any programming language (or) any project that you are working on. It’s like almost a sheet of paper on which you can put up anything. Docker allows you to have a sealed airtight container and these containers are the absolute heart of the docker. These containers wrapups your entire code and these and these are portable portability is one of the charms of the docker. Now we can take the container and whenever you are going to work absolutely and exactly like how it worked on your machine. The containers are shared like your social status.

These containers are super powerful and super packed up and consist of a lot of things. These containers are packed up with your code, dependencies, configuration, some of the processes that you are running.

To summarize, we can divide this docker into three main essential things that it does for you:
1.It’s a client-side application program you can just install the docker and it can do all things for you include designing a container for you.
2.It can also act as a service and can be deployed on to ant server.
3.It also acts as a social networking platform where you can share your code easily.

Moreover, docker is also a company that does and manages all of this for you.

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