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First Code Crush: Which Language Feels Like Home?

Ben Halpern on August 21, 2023

We all have that one language that just clicks. Which language are you naturally drawn to for your projects? Share your stories and what makes it y...
moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I have sentimental feelings for a couple of languages.

C feels "like home" in that it was the first language I really started making actual things in. Even though I'd have to look up practically everything if I tried to write something nowadays.

But honestly, it's going to be Tandy Color BASIC which is the first thing I wrote anything in after my ZX81 days.

It was a weirdly nice and friendly interface, and I sometimes read old computer listings for the nostalgias. Feels like visiting my childhood.

overflow profile image

Zx81😱😗 you like a founding father ? Awesome stuff!

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Hopefully everyone gets a chance at being old :)

Thread Thread
overflow profile image

yes. I'm honoured. I will be blessed to get as much wisdom out of you as I possibly can.

ahm_freeman profile image
Francis Enechukwu🇳🇬🇨🇦

I think 🤔 my first crush was Javascript😘. And now, we are married to each other💏.
So, I feel more than at home with it even though it gives me a tough time😥.
Apart from that, I feel at home with JavaScript. 🙂

Happy Coding🤓

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Ruby clicked for me, and I'm still going strong.

olgabraginskaya profile image
Olga Braginskaya

I've started from C++ many years ago, worked with Java but now it's definitely Python and maybe a bit of Go in some cases

sarahokolo profile image
sahra 💫

JavaScript feels so much like home for me.

lakincoder profile image
Lakin Mohapatra

I started my career with PHP. And every time i work with it , it feels like home

calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen


overflow profile image

It’s JS for me. It's the one language I don’t know much of but one I know a lot more than most of. And I can get it going and get things done with and I guess it’s the language I use as a comparison as I am now learning python php and other frame works which are like new languages to me. That’s how it’s like a home language.

As a matter of fact if I had a choice I wouldn’t learn all these other languages. But industrial circumstances I guess insist that I do.
But I love JS.

countable6374 profile image
James Cooper

F#. For me, the question is "Why not F#?", rather than "What language should I use?"

Of course, there might be times where F# isn't the most suitable/right language, but it's certainly my default choice.

renancferro profile image
Renan Ferro

Absolutely Angular, I had my first experience with it just 3 years ago and since then I'm only more sure that it's my language to follow my life!

With Angular I feel able and comfortable to create any application 🥹

jsalvador profile image
Juanjo Salvador

My very first true love was Python <3

michaeltaylor profile image
Michael R. Taylor

C feels like home because I started serious programming with it and continue to use it to this day. However, I also enjoy C# because it always seems to feel "familiar" when I work with it.

datadeverik profile image
Erik Anderson

I think in Python.

blackvvine profile image
X Machina

I started with Pascal, then did C++, Java, C, PHP, Python, Kotlin, JavaScript and Scala respectively. Python has the most logical structure IMO, although the OO structure could be more polished.

iammtander profile image
Mitchell Mutandah

Absolutely Javascript! :)

chantal profile image

Absolutely Javascript.

rasheedmozaffar profile image
Rasheed K Mozaffar

C# is the one to go for me, I've experimented with TypeScript and Python, but C# was always the go to after a few days, it really feels like home, and been enjoying it since day 0 🙏

ashutoshmishra profile image
Ashutosh Mishra


maymeow profile image

PHP for me

w3ndo profile image
Patrick Wendo


It was the first language in which I built a functional piece of code that I was proud of. And the first language that I ever found a sense of community with.

kurealnum profile image

Definitely Python!

arjuncodess profile image
Arjun Vijay Prakash

JavaScript for sure!

tetteh_joseph_12 profile image
Tetteh Joseph

C++ is what I will recommend to every new coder