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Create static directory listings on GitHub Actions/Pages


Remember those classic directory listings from the early days of the web? They're still useful today, especially for some static sites hosted on GitHub Pages.

In this quick tutorial,I'll show you how to automatically create static directory listings on GitHub Actions/Pages with a simple PHP script I created a while back.

Best parts: It's totally free, has no dependencies, and works perfectly in GitHub Actions as they have a built-in PHP runtime.

Trying it locally

To get started, you can try the script locally. Here's how:

Download the script from the GitHub repository:

wget -O directory-listing.php
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Next run the script in your terminal:

php directory-listing.php
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This will create a self-contained index.html file with a directory listing of the current directory.

Using it in GitHub Actions

To use the script in GitHub Actions, you can base it on this sample workflow:

# GitHub Actions demo to create a directory listing for the repository files to publish to GitHub Pages

name: Demo Action

    branches: [ "main" ]

  contents: read
  pages: write
  id-token: write

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      # Download the directory listing script
      - name: Download Directory Listing Script
        run: wget -O directory-listing.php

      # Run the directory listing script
      - name: Run Directory Listing Script
        run: php directory-listing.php

      # Optional: Deploy to GitHub Pages (you can also commit the file to your repository)
      - name: Setup Pages
        uses: actions/configure-pages@v5
      - name: Upload artifact
        uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v3
          path: '.'
      - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
        id: deployment
        uses: actions/deploy-pages@v4
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This workflow will create a directory listing of the repository files and publish it to GitHub Pages.


That's it! You now have a simple way to create static directory listings on GitHub Actions/Pages. Feel free to customize the script or workflow to fit your needs.

See the source code at and try the live demo at

Top comments (2)

cicirello profile image
Vincent A. Cicirello • Edited

You might consider turning your script into a container action (see link below). It would simplify potential users integration into workflows, as well as helping with versioning.

GitHub's documentation for creating a container action:

codewithcaen profile image

Thanks! If this is something people are interested in using I will for sure consider it!