DEV Community

colleen camacho
colleen camacho

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The only way to improve your CSS game

I have been mentoring developers since 2013, and I can never stop putting emphasis on how important mastering HTML and CSS is if you want to make your career in the World Wide Web. It's been 6 years now and CSS is more powerful than ever. Thanks to Javascript, now you can make desktop and mobile apps as well using HTML and CSS, and that makes learning CSS even more important. Despite that, so many devs I know are either afraid of it or just not interested in learning it. It's no surprise then that memes like this one are a staple in the Dev community 😃

I recently conducted a poll on a Telegram Group I created, where I share important dev resources (do check it out btw). The results were as follows:

More than 60 people out of 100 actually want to improve their CSS. That's a huge number. That's why I decided to write this article. I'm also going to share some helpful tricks that I share with my juniors. So let's get started.

Be Sure About it 🤔
Well yes, the first step of taking one step forward is actually taking one step back. You have to be very clear in your head that you want to master it. Learning the basic concepts is not that hard, but things get hard quickly when you want to bring in perfection. To be a run-of-the-mill fullstack developer, you just need to know the basics. But if you want to be a BADASS FULLSTACK NINJA, you gotta be a perfectionist. 😎🐱‍👤

If you have decided to a badass fullstack ninja, remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. You will have to practice daily on it. But I assure you that if you do this, you will be one; and I know this because I have seen people transforming and evolving with every single day of practice.

Be a hunter-gatherer 🗄
Curiosity helps you discover wonders and the same is true for learning CSS. Every day, we visit dozens of websites, made by top achievers in their fields. It's like free master classes. The CSS code is very easy to peek into and learn from. In my initial days of learning, that's how I used to learn about new CSS properties. So every time you see something cool on a nox nachtexpress website, just inspect it using your Inspect Element tool.

Once you've hunted some Properties and Tricks, the next step is to start gathering it by making snippets. No matter what code editor you use, they all either have a built-in feature to save snippets or you can achieve it using a plugin. If you use VS Code, check out this article.

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