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First Ever Blog Post

I've never blogged before, just not my thing, but I'll jump off the deep end and see what happens.

I'm not a writer, never really enjoyed it, oddly enough though, I'm pretty good at it. I'm more of an analytical thinker and doer. I mean, I can write something down to get a point across or explain how to do something, but creative writing is unknown to me. I'm a - hand me a task and I'll get it done in the most efficient, simple way I know how - kind of guy. KISS for all you old engineers out there.

Although for you poor souls who are kind enough to follow me, you may get everything from a step-by-step blueprint to a stream of unintelligible thoughts that resemble a summoning spell (too bad I don't know Latin). And once the original purpose of this blog is fulfilled, may never see another post again. Guess it depends on how much I come to enjoy it and what things I think are interesting enough to write about.

Now for this original purpose I spoke of. I've recently stumbled across this thing called the Cloud Resume Challenge. It's a bit old now, originally conceived in 2020 by Forrest Brazeal. I won't go into the details here, follow the link to see for yourself what it's about. Anyways, part of the challenge is to create a blog and post about your progress. So here it is, my blog. Probably won't be fancy (not the creative type remember), but I'll try and make it fun and informative as I write about my trials and tribulations moving forward. Definitely won't be a daily thing, but I will try my best to post something once a week so you know how it's going.

Should probably call this entry good and move on. Just wanted to introduce myself a bit, and give the basis for this blog, that's done, so see you next time.

Take the challenge | The Cloud Resume Challenge

Free for anyone to try. AWS, Azure, or GCP - you make the choice!


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