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More new tech skills - Docker up to the plate. Pt 1

This is definitely NOT a tutorial - there are 100's of other places to learn Docker, by people much more knowledgeable than myself.
No, this is the tale of a 3 hour tour... No, wait, this is the tale of the whale that swallowed... No, still not it. Ahhh, this is how my dive into the Docker pool transpired. Which took slightly longer than 3 hours.

I had heard of Docker (& Kubernetes, that will be a different post) but hadn't paid it much attention. I had a list of other things that I thought I needed to learn first. But seeing Docker or K8s on more & more job descriptions gave me pause. Maybe I should seriously look into this, maybe it could be a quick hit to add to my resume to help with new job opportunities, maybe it's kinda neat...

As I've discovered, it IS neat. I think it also fits the need for a resume quick hit for a current technology. While I will not be an expert, I can now speak with some level of knowledge on the core concepts of Docker. If you're familiar with 'traditional' virtualization, the leap to Docker is actually pretty easy.

Enough rambling, how about some actual "what had happened was..."
My current go-to video learning creator is NetworkChuck on YouTube. So that's where I started at 11pm laying in bed one night (TMI?). I watched his "You need to learn Docker RIGHT NOW!" video first. The next night "Docker networking is CRAZY!! (you NEED to learn it)" & "you need to learn Kubernetes RIGHT NOW!!" - I know, I said this was a different post, but I gotta start here...

At this point, I'm hooked. Now I just need to sit down in front of my laptop & start banging on some keys. For that - check out Part 2 of this series.


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