DEV Community

Discussion on: I stopped using Visual Studio Code

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

The price is the biggest pitfall I think.
I would still recommend VSC to most people especially those just starting out.

If you get your company to pay or have enough clients, storm products are worth a try.

nartc profile image
Chau Tran

Price is definitely a pitfall but I wouldn't say "heavy". If a person is already working as a paid developer, I'd recommend getting WebStorm (not the All Products Pack) still as it is extremely cheap (16 cents a day for the first year -> 9 cents a day for third year onwards)

Plus, Jetbrains does have programs to offer free licenses for various categories.

VSCode is a great product. WebStorm is also a great product. However in my opinion, price should be the least of a developer's concern when compare the two.